Physics Dept Seminar
April 8th, Monday
INMS: A tiny time of flight mass
spectrometer for CubeSats
Dr. Sarah Jones
Goddard Space Flight Center
(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Hyomin Kim)
Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time
Room: ECE 202
is a great need for in situ measurements of atmospheric ion and neutral
composition and density due to a dearth of measurements since the DE satellite
mission ~30 years ago. The Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) seeks to
fill this void while achieving several measurement firsts and enabling new
scientific studies, including constellation missions. INMS is a tiny, versatile
time of flight spectrometer that measures atmospheric composition within a 1.1
U volume. INMS was recently deployed from the International Space Station as
part of GSFC's Dellingr CubeSat mission. This
presentation includes an introduction to the instrument technology and
atmospheric composition data from Dellingr.