Joint Physics
Dept - MtSE Seminar
February 25th, Monday
electrons meet light: Attosecond coherent control of
matter waves for low-dimensional photonics
Dr. Giovanni Vanacore
of Physics, Laboratory for Ultrafast Microscopy and Electron Scattering,
Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Switzerland
(Experimental Condensed
Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Federici)
Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time
Room: ECE 202
The interaction between light and electrons
can be exploited for generating radiation, such as in synchrotrons and free
electron lasers, or for controlling electron beams for the dynamical
investigation of materials and molecules. Using electromagnetic fields the
coherent control of an electron wave function can be pushed to unexplored
timescales, enabling new applications in light-assisted quantum devices and
diagnostics at extremely small timescales, such as those governing
intramolecular electronic motions and nuclear processes.
In this
contribution, I will describe a novel method for the coherent longitudinal and
transverse phase manipulation of a free-electron wave function. Using
appropriately synthesized optical light fields I will demonstrate how to
modulate the energy, linear momentum and orbital angular momentum (vorticity)
of the electron wave function with attosecond
A relativistic
pulsed electron beam was made to interact with an appropriately synthesized
electromagnetic field. The field was generated either by a sequence of two fs
laser pulses reflected at the surface of a mirror (semi-infinite field), or by
the coherent superposition of the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) optically-generated from nanofabricated
structures (near field). The energy-momentum exchange resulting from the
electron-field interaction was directly mapped via momentum-resolved ultrafast
electron energy-loss spectroscopy. When the two phase-locked light pulses were
delayed by fractions of the optical cycle, we observed coherent oscillations in
the electrons energy-momentum states. This effect is the result of coherent
constructive and destructive phase modulation of the electron wave function
while varying the relative phase between the two driving optical pulses.
In addition, our
method offers the possibility to manipulate the phase-controlled interaction of
the electrons with both a semi-infinite light field and a plasmon
polariton propagating on a plasmonic
waveguide. Here, I will describe the case of SPPs generated at the edge of a
circular nanocavity carved in a Ag layer deposited on
a Si3N4 thin film, and demonstrate that in the case of circularly-polarized
illumination the resulting near-field distribution transiently creates a vortex
plasmon carrying a welldefined
orbital angular momentum (OAM), which can be efficiently transferred to the
interacting electrons as a result of the coherent interaction.
The potential of
our approach for longitudinal and transverse phase modulation at the attosecond timescale and below should pave the way to
achieve unprecedented insights into non-equilibrium phenomena in advanced
quantum materials, and should play a decisive role in the rational design and
engineering of future photonics and electronics applications.