Physics Dept Seminar
March 4, Wednesday (*SPECIAL
Modeling Solar Eruptions
at High Resolution
Dr. Joel Dahlin
Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics, Host: Cao)
*SPECIAL TIME: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30
pm teatime
Recent advances in solar instrumentation have
revealed a rich variety of eruptive activity in striking detail. The largest
events, coronal mass ejections and associated solar flares, drive the shocks
and energetic particles that play a major role in the most hazardous space
weather events. To predict the space weather impact of solar eruptions, we must
understand three vital questions: How does energy build up in the corona? What
triggers its explosive release? How is that energy transferred to nonthermal particles? To accurately model explosive
activity, it is crucial to capture both the large-scale dynamics of the energy
buildup and release and the fine-scale structure that plays a critical role in
particle energization. I discuss recent advances in tackling these questions
using three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics
simulations of solar eruptions and discuss implications for recent and
forthcoming ground-based (DKIST, EOVSA) and space-borne (PSP, SolO) observations.