Physics Dept Seminar
February 11th, TUESDAY
Machine Learning Helps to Analyze Solar Disk Images
Prof. Egor
Moscow Univ.
Physics, Host: Nita)
Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time
Room: ECE 202
of solar disk observations is a challenging task. To highlight the problems we
will start with a review of several databases of source solar disk images and
catalogues of solar features. Then we will discuss how to collect a proper
dataset to proceed with machine learning models. The core part of the talk will
be a demonstration of recent results in segmentation of coronal holes and
sunspots in SDO images with a convolutional neural network of the U-Net type.
Finally, we will discuss a necessity of common guidelines in doing of machine learning
researches in solar physics and what it could be.
Biography Dr Egor Illarionov is Assistant
Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of Moscow State
University (Russia). He received his PhD in 2017 from Moscow University in the
area of application on mathematical methods to solar dynamo modeling and solar
image analysis.