Physics Dept Seminar
March 9, Monday
Modelling of Solar Flares:
Theories and Interpreting Observations
Dr. Graham Kerr
Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics, Host: Cao)
Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time
Room: ECE 202
Solar flares and coronal mass ejections
(CMEs), together referred to as solar eruptive events (SEEs) are transient yet
dramatic energy release events occurring in the solar atmosphere, representing
extreme examples of various plasma physics phenomenon. They are also major
drivers of geoeffective space weather. During SEEs a
significant amount of magnetic energy is released, accelerating particles,
causing in situ heating, and driving the release of CMEs. Understanding the
fundamental physics of the energy release and transport during SEEs is key as
we work towards predicting their occurrence. Here I will focus on the
flare part of SEEs, illustrating how we can study the solar atmospheres
hydrodynamic and radiative response to flare energy injection to determine if
our theories of flare energy transport are consistent with observations. With
the fortune of increasingly high-quality data (both spaceborne
and ground based, e.g. BBSO/GST and the upcoming DKIST)
comes the need for state-of-the-art numerical models to simulate
flares, and forward model observables for model-data comparisons. These are
required to both help extract and interpret what information observations
carry, and (most importantly) to determine if theories stands up to the
stubborn reality of observations. Magnetic field-aligned (i.e. 1D) loop models
of solar flares allow us to study the detailed microphysics and complex
feedback between radiation and hydrodynamics at the high spatial and temporal
resolution demanded during flares. This is particularly true of the solar
chromosphere and transition region, where the bulk of flare energy is
deposited, and where the majority of the flaring radiative output originates.
However, flares are, of course, 3D phenomena, so how can we bridge the gap from
1D to 3D as we work towards fully 3D flare models? In this seminar I will (1) summarise the current state of solar flare modelling, (2)
show, using white light solar flares (WLFs) as an example, how critically
attacking models with observations can indicate if new ingredients to theory
are required, and (3) showcase recent efforts that aim to model optically thin
emission that includes 3D effects by using a detailed 1D loop simulation to
build a data-constrained flare arcade.