Physics Dept
February 26, Wednesday
On the Radial Evolution of
Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar
Atmosphere and Solar Wind
Prof. Jean C. Perez
Institute of Technology
Solar Physics, Host: Cao)
*SPECIAL TIME: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30
pm teatime
In this work I will present recent results from
high-resolution direct numerical simulations and phenomenological modeling of
reflection-driven Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
turbulence in the near-Sun solar wind. The simulations describe Alfvenic fluctuations within a narrow coronal hole
extending from the photosphere out to a heliocentric distance of approximately
ninety solar radii. Large-scale Alfven Waves (AW) are injected into the solar
corona by imposing random, time-dependent velocity and magnetic field
fluctuations at the photosphere. As these AWs propagate through the
inhomogeneous background plasma, inward-propagating AWs are produced by partial
reflections of the outward-propagating AWs, resulting in a vigorous MHD
turbulence cascade mediated by the nonlinear interactions between
counter-propagating AWs. Relevant results from the simulations and
phenomenological model will be discussed in the context of existing in-situ and
remote observations of the inner heliosphere. The simulations also show that
when the key physical parameters are chosen within observational constraints,
reflection-driven Alfven turbulence becomes a plausible mechanism for the
heating and acceleration of the fast solar wind. By flying a virtual Parker
Solar Probe (PSP) through the simulations, we will also explore the extent to
which the turbulence properties observed in the simulations can be inferred
from single-point measurements to compare with actual PSP measurements when the
Taylor Hypothesis is no longer valid.