Physics Dept.
September 26, Monday
solar convection, properties of turbulent motions, large scale flows & convective
Prof. Gustavo Guerrero
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
(Solar Physics, Host: Gerrard)
Room: ECE 202
Time: 11:45 am -
12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime
magnetic activity observed at the solar atmosphere has its origin in the
complex system of motions and currents happening in the solar convection zone.
Large-scale motions, like the differential rotation and meridional circulation,
and large-scale magnetic fields, originate from the turbulent convective
motions occurring in the upper 30% of the solar interior. We are
able to observe these motions at the solar photosphere in the form of
granulation, with scales of several thousands of kilometers, and
supergranulation, with scales of ∼30000 km. From theoretical considerations it is
expected that larger, self-similar, motions exist at deeper layers. Their
characteristics, however, remain evasive to observations. It is expected that
spatial and temporal scales progressively increase with depth. Yet, helioseismic studies show that the energy of the large
scales is orders of magnitude smaller than theoretical predictions. This
challenges the theory of stellar structure and the models proposed to explain
the origin of the differential rotation. This problem is known as the solar
convective conundrum. In this talk, I'll present recent results of numerical
simulations of deep solar convection where we study the effects of the grid
resolution on the properties of the turbulent and large scale
motions. The results suggest that obtaining the observed distribution of
angular momentum may not be a mere issue of numerical resolution, and
accounting for additional physics may be necessary to describe convection in
the solar and stellar interiors. I'll discuss underway numerical and
observational efforts to tackle the convective conundrum.