Dept Seminar
April 7, Thursday (*SPECIAL
The Role of Sun to Earth Coupling
in Ionospheric Electric Field and Plasma Density Structures
Dr. Lindsay Goodwin
& Terrestrial Physics)
*SPECIAL TIME: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm
Room: ECE 202
The earth's high-latitude ionosphere is
replete with electric field structures and plasma density variations. The
dominant driver of both of these is coupling from the
sun to the earth, and characterizing this driving is critically important in
our understanding of space weather and the cascade of energy from the sun to
the earth. This presentation begins by showcasing a selection of studies that
focus on how this coupling creates electric field and plasma density
structures. First, the occurrence of narrow electric field structures
coincident with plasma density depletions, and their relevance in understanding
"STEVE" (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement, the latest
high-latitude optical phenomenon), is discussed. Next, the first in situ
spacecraft observations that track the creation, structuring, and evolution of
high-latitude plasma density variations as they travel due to
magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling is presented. Then, spacecraft and
ground-based imager data are displayed that shows magnetospheric driving of localized
electric field and precipitation systems associated with plasma density
variations. Next, this presentation highlights statistical studies examining
the scale-width of plasma density variations for a variety of solar and
geophysical conditions. These are computed using novel radar techniques that
generate observations at a higher spatiotemporal resolution than has been
previously possible with ionospheric radars. Here, it is found that
irregularities 50 km and less become more prevalent in the absence of solar
radiation, which is dominating plasma density structuring.
The second part of
this presentation will focus on how strong electric fields, that would be
generated through sun-earth coupling, impact the behavior of plasma. Namely,
how under strong electric field conditions at high latitudes the ion velocity
distribution of weakly ionized plasma distorts from a Maxwellian shape. Here,
an advanced Monte Carlo simulation is employed to derive ion velocity
distributions for a range of electric fields, aspect angles, and ion-neutral
collisions. Then, hypothetical radar spectra are developed that show how
distortions from the Maxwellian shape can substantially change our
interpretation of instrument data.