Physics Dept.
April 4, Monday
Modeling of Particle Acceleration and Emissions during Solar Eruptions in the Imaging
Spectroscopy Era
Dr. Fan Guo
Los Alamos National
(Solar & Terrestrial
Physics, Host: Bin Chen)
Room: ECE 202
**TIME: 11:40am – 12:40pm, door
opening at 11:30am
particle acceleration and emissions are well known as the signature features of
solar eruptions. Multi-wavelength imaging spectroscopy of thermal and
nonthermal emissions from solar flares has provided unprecedented opportunities
to study electron energization in detail. We introduce a framework for studying
nonthermal acceleration, transport, and radiation by combining
magnetohydrodynamic simulations, particle transport, and radiation models.
Although preliminary, our first results have shown a great potential for
understanding the roles of flare configuration, magnetic reconnection and
shocks in energetic electron production and distributions. Future development
will include a series of realistic effects important to solar flares and gain
insights by closely comparing the integrated model with multi-wavelength