Physics Dept
July 6th, Wednesday (*SPECIAL
Monolayer Adsorption
Versus Bulk Micellization: Insight from Molecular Simulations
Dr. Matej Kanduc
of Theoretical Physics, Jozef Stefan Institute,
Phys., Host: Dias)
*SPECIAL TIME: 11 am – noon
Adsorption of amphiphilic molecules to aqueous
interfaces occurs in many technological and biological settings, sometimes
desired (stabilization of foams), while other times not (contamination). I will
discuss how atomistic computer simulations can help us elucidate molecular
mechanisms of surfactant adsorption, ranging from short-chain alcohols to
double-tail lipids. Small surfactants form loose monolayers and exhibit rapid
exchange between the interface and bulk, which can be followed in the
simulations. Surfactants with longer alkyl chains adsorb as denser monolayers
and exchange on experimental timescales that are too slow to be captured in
simulations, which challenges molecular modeling. The modeling of this regime
requires advanced computational techniques that connect interface and bulk
phases via precise determinations of their chemical potentials. Finally,
double-chain surfactants (also called "lipids") do not exchange
between bulk and interface both on experimental and simulation timescales. They
exist as bilayer aggregates already in solution and adsorb to surfaces in the
form of monolayers only under certain conditions. As it turns out, a universal
determiner for adsorption is the wetting contact angle of the surface. Only
surfaces with contact angles larger than around 60-70° are
capable of forming lipid monolayers.