Joint Physics
Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Science Colloquium
March 9, Thursday (** SPECIAL
Jets, Their Impact on the Heliosphere, and How to Catch Them with Citizen
Dr. Sophie Musset, European
Space Agency
(Solar Physics, Host: Haimin Wang)
**SPECIAL TIME: 1:15pm – 2:15pm with 1pm
Room: ECE 202
eruptive events produce energetic particles that fill the heliosphere, interact
with planetary atmospheres and magnetosphere, and participate to space weather.
Solar coronal jets are small ejections of plasma which have been observed in
many regions of the solar atmosphere, with various shapes and sizes. They
follow magnetic field lines that connect the solar corona to the heliosphere,
and therefore could play a role in injecting energetic and plasma from the
solar corona to the interplanetary medium. I will review what we currently know
about the impact of coronal jets on the heliosphere, and
present the “Solar Jet Hunter” citizen science project, launched one year ago,
to catalogue jets observed in extreme ultraviolet images from the Solar
Dynamics Observatory.