Dept Seminar
February 1, Thursday (*SPECIAL
Meta-Structures for
Terahertz Technologies
Dr. Subhajit
Princeton Univ.
Host: Benjamin Thomas)
*Special Time: 10:15am-11:15am with 10am
*Room: 407 Tiernan (** SPECIAL ROOM **)
The terahertz (THz) radiation (frequency ranges
between 0.1 to 10 THz broadly, commonly termed as ‘THz Gap’) has drawn
significant research attention over the past decades that explores the
properties of both millimeter wave and infrared radiation. Terahertz radiation
is non-ionizing, non-destructive to living creatures, and provides more
functional bandwidth than traditionally employed millimeter waves for
next-generation wireless technologies. Hence, terahertz technology is often
regarded as a promising avenue to provide technological solutions related to
security, imaging, non-destructive evaluation, food waste, health monitoring,
high-speed wireless technology, and ultrafast spintronics, etc. Recently,
terahertz is also recognized as a driving force for the 6G and beyond
communications. Despite these facts, terahertz technologies have yet to explore
their potential due to weak terahertz–matter interactions and a lack of
efficient functional components in this regime. In this context,
electromagnetic meta-structures are believed to address these technological
challenges for various terahertz applications. Meta-structures (in other words,
Metamaterials, ‘beyond the natural materials or structures’) are artificially
engineered subwavelength structures that were conceived to realize several
unusual and exceptional properties that were not viable earlier.
Meta-structures garner merit from their geometrical designs, irrespective of
the constructive materials.
This talk will introduce a general technological
outlook to design meta-structures for the terahertz domain. Imperative of the
diverse functionalities of metamaterial-based structures, their efficiency is
limited due to their associated losses. The dominant loss contributor is
radiative loss. To tackle such losses, this talk will introduce various design
principles of non-radiative metamaterials for the terahertz domain. The concept
of metamaterial-based cavities (stacked meta-structures) will also be discussed
to excite Fano resonances in structurally symmetric resonators. Fano resonant
cavities enhance energy confinement in the deep-subwavelength scale and realize
highly sensitive (> 1 THz/ RIU) terahertz non-destructive sensors. This talk
will also introduce the concept of terahertz magnetic wire, terahertz magnetospectroscopy, and spintronic metamaterials.
Spintronic meta-structures demonstrated huge potential to realize low-power (a
few mT) magnetic sensors, applicable at the terahertz
regime. The later part of the talk will describe how a sub-terahertz
metamaterial-based sticker can address real-world food waste problems and
provide a narrowband solution applicable to 6G mobile technologies. Finally, a
full-duplex beamforming strategy at the sub-terahertz regime will also be
discussed by integrated leaky-wave architecture in the context of 6G
communication. In summary, this talk will cover a few contemporary research
directions on meta-structures that exemplify their ability to be utilized in
terahertz non-destructive sensing, enhanced spectroscopy, photonics,
spintronics, and communication.