NJIT Physics Department Seminar
March 1st, 2010, Monday
Structural vortex in multiferroic
hexagonal manganites
Prof. Weida
Dept. of Physics, Rutgers
Univ. - New Brunswick
(Condensed Matter Phyiscs, Host: Ahn)
Time: Noon-1 pm with 11:30 am
tea time
Room: 407 Tiernan
Abstract: Hexagonal
manganites (REMnO3) show a unique improper ferroelectricity induced by structrual
trimerization. Extensive research on these systems
has been carried due to its potential application in memory and the intriguing multiferroicity (coexistance of ferroelectricity and antiferromagnetism).
However, the true ferroelectric domain structure and its relationship with
structural domains have never been revealed. Using transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) and conductive atomic force microscopy (c-AFM), we observed an
intriguing conductive "cloverleaf" pattern of six domains emerging
from one point, all distinctly characterized by polarization orientation and
structural antiphase relationships in hexgonal manganites.[1] The
cloverleaf defects are structural vortices where the phase angle goes
successively through all six phases.[2] In addition, we discovered that the
ferroelectric domain walls and structural antiphase
boundaries are mutually locked. By correlating room temperature c-AFM with low
temperature electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) images of the same sample
region, we demonstrate that nanoscale electric
conduction between a sharp tip and the surface is intrinsically modulated by
the polarization of ferroelectric domains.[3] These fascinating results reveal
the rich physics of the hexagonal system with a truly semiconducting bandgap where structural trimerization,
ferroelectricity, magnetism and charge conduction are
intricately coupled.
[1] T. Choi,
et al, nat. mater., 9, 253-258 (2010)
[2] M. Mostovoy,
nat. mater., 9, 188-190 (2010)
[3] W. Wu, et al, submitted
to PRL, (2010)