About the Author A Special Invitation

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What Do YOU Sell?
Want to Sell More?

Selling software on the Net? Infoproducts? A service? Million dollar cables for suspension bridges? If you want to sell more...

Use the right words. Because words sell, not graphics. If you have any doubts, try this simple experiment.

Take a look at this...

It's this site without any graphics. A touch bare, perhaps, but the right words will still "get the sale."

Now look at this...

Same site, except no words this time. Pretty hard to sell without words, isn't it?

Sure, graphics set the stage -- used sparingly and imaginatively, they can substantially reinforce your sales message. So get the look-and-feel right, by all means. But after that...


In a hurry?

Click here for the three minute tour.

It's Words That Sell

To sell more, write better. Make the most productive use of words, words that address the needs and wants of your customers.

The right words will overcome a mediocre look-and-feel. But use the wrong words, and even the most professional-looking site will be instantly destroyed.

Pretty serious stuff, especially when so many people think...

"I Am Not a Writer"

Neither am I. Hemingway was a writer. Tolstoy was a writer. Stephen King is a writer. Writing is about crafting wonderful fiction, stories of power and feeling. But we're talking here about creative writers.

You and I, on the other hand, are natural-born persuaders. Think of all the people you persuade every day...

• your suppliers and your customers

• your co-workers and your boss (if you're the boss, your employees)

• your spouse and your children

• your friends and associates

• even your competitors!

Yes, persuasion is a bit trickier "in writing." It's less spontaneous and the "persuadee" is not sitting in front of you. But, believe me...

more feedback...

You CAN Fill Your Site
with Words that Sell

And there are three ways to do it...

  1. Do as I did. Before I launched MYSS!, I read every book I could find on the art of writing advertisements and sales copy. I learned, slowly but surely, through painful trial-and-error, how to adapt that knowledge to successful site-selling, a science in its own right.

  2. Pay a professional. Three problems...

    First, a pro does not "live" the product the way you do.

    Second, a good "Web-writer" is tough to find. (There are great job openings, including at SiteSell.com, for those who know how to write copy for the Net.)

    Third, the good ones are simply too expensive (the bad ones, of course, cost you more in the long run!).

  3. Let Joe Robson and I show you how. In the words of one delighted reader, it's...

"The Deal of the Millennium"

OK, the millennium is still young. But, at the current price of Make Your Words Sell! (MYWS!), we must be at least...

The "Steal of the Decade."

The approach is so smoothly efficient, you'll hardly believe that you've acquired a mission-critical skill after you reach "THE END." Once you know how, it's simply not that hard.

Before I introduce you to Joe Robson, a bit of background is in order...

Gurus generally proclaim my first book, Make Your Site SELL!, to be the "BIBLE" of selling on Net. It covers everything from product development to site-selling (including a few chapters on Netwriting) to traffic-building.

The worldwide acclaim for MYSS! has been gratifying. But the best part of it all is the wonderful letters that credit successful online ventures to MYSS!.

Shortly after publishing MYSS!, I started thinking about a book dedicated entirely to the poorly understood topic of writing to sell on the Net. My first task was to research what the "competition" had to offer...

After all, there's no point in reinventing the wheel. There are an endless number of e-commerce opportunities open to SiteSell.com. So I would never market a product if there was no need for it. The "opportunity cost" is just too high.

What did our research show? It revealed why so many people are finding it terribly difficult to write successful copy for their Web businesses ...

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The Five Startling Truths
About Net Copywriting Books

The more I researched, the more I discovered why so many people are finding it terribly difficult to write successful copy for their Web businesses...

  1. There are several other books about writing on the Net. They are rehashes of old "direct marketing mail order" books and videos.

  2. They are surprisingly overpriced. In this day and age, information must be accessible to everyone.

  3. None were published by companies that had the online success of SiteSell.com. We've been there, done that... and "sold the t-shirt"... tens of thousands of them. "The voice of experience is the best teacher."

  4. I did find two other sites with a fair degree of "Net marketing" success, largely due to excellent copy. But they're not revealing how they do it!

  5. I could not find a single copywriter who truly "got the Net." One who understood how to meld words with the Net. One who understood how to convert a visitor into a customer.
And then along came...

Joe Robson

I first "met" Joe when he wrote a review article about Make Your Site SELL! (MYSS!). Actually, it was more than a review. It was an entire tutorial. He used our site as the subject matter for a lesson about how to sell on the Net.

It was brilliant. He saw every technique we used. He caught every important persuasive technique. Every tiny nuance. Basically, he undressed me... in a nice kind of way.

Only one kind of person can do that. Someone who truly understands the Net-selling process. Someone who understands how to persuade visitors to become customers. That's Joe Robson.

I followed Joe's work for a while. His articles were appearing more and more widely over the Net. His newsletter articles were fresh and spoke directly to me. Original insights. The rare Net copywriter who clearly "got it."

I could resist no longer. I had searched for months, looking for the perfect collaborator to create the perfect book on Net copywriting. And I had finally found him!

But would he be interested in co-writing this book with me? Could an expensive, high-end copywriter with big-name clients find the time to be involved in such an important project? The only way to find out was to ask. He agreed. Boy, did he agree!...

He Immersed Himself for 8 Months

We would brainstorm periodically. Then he would squirrel himself away for weeks, feverishly re-writing. Suddenly, a manuscript would turn up in my e-mail. I'd tear it apart with Joe, add a bunch of new ideas, and then...

We'd repeat the whole brainstorm-squirrel-manuscript cycle... over and over again.

Finally, eight months later... it was done. Simple. Clean. Clear. Effective. Written from the ground up, created solely to show you how to write for the Net.

The final manuscript was in my hands. Now... it was my turn to disappear. Literally. Totally cut off from the "outside world," I fine-toothed my way through Joe's final work.

The more I read, the more excited I became. This was truly the "best of breed" that I had visualized. Then I set to work to make it even better...

  • re-organized for maximum usability

  • deepened and reinforced concepts based upon my experience

  • added perspective via "Ken's Comments," where I share my own, most up-to-date concepts and techniques about copywriting to sell.

Afterwards, Joe e-mailed me...

Ken, you only do something like that once in your life! What a labor of love. It's the "Tiger Woods" of Net copywriting books -- but it's not ONLY far and away the best... MYWS! will be understood, *AND USED*, by everyone.

My favorite part?...

It's the "cure" for every marketer's disease, "USP-itis," complicated by "benefit-oma." Everyone has trouble building a strong USP (Unique Selling Proposition), and most companies develop sub-optimal product benefits and position them poorly, if at all.

Our radical "SWAT-it-to-death" method virtually forces you to pull the strongest and most persuasive sales-getting USP and benefits out of your product and onto your customer's screen. SWAT guarantees that your copy will sell.

And really...

That's all there is to it. You already know how to persuade people. This book shows you how to do it on the Net... how to get your USP, headlines, sales copy and order form perfect. In other words, it shows you how to...

Make Your Words Sell!

There's more to successful Net copywriting than getting the USP and benefits right. So I asked Joe to say a few words to you about MYWS!. Without further ado...


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Meet Joe Robson


Let me start by saying what MYWS! is NOT.

It's not the same old recycled dross that you see so much of on the Net. There's a sad trend of recycling "offline" books and videos about writing "offline" copy into online products. Sorry, that just does not work.

It's not about writing the bland, ineffective, formula copy you see on 99% of sites around the Web. Why do those 99% make no profit? Because they are full of "magic copywriting rules," "powerful, never-before-revealed secrets" and "instant formulas."

And it's not about hype or trickery or any of the other tools that the direct marketing trade seems so determined to bring to the Net.

"What DOES It Deliver?"

Make Your Words Sell! concerns itself with the only kind of Web copy of interest to serious Internet marketers the world over.

It's about writing Internet sales copy that grabs attention – and holds it tight.

It's about writing Internet sales copy that persuades, and motivates readers into action.

To put it simply...

It's about writing words that sell on the Net.

So if you're expecting yet another over-priced book filled with over-used hype techniques and formulas or material from the "offline recycle bin," you're heading for a pleasant surprise!

Speaking of Pleasant Surprises...

You can't believe how I felt when Ken Evoy wrote me to say how much he enjoyed my review/tutorial about Make Your Site SELL! (MYSS!). Just in case you've spent the past year or so without a Laptop in the Arctic Circle, Ken is the author of MYSS!.

MYSS! is the phenomenally successful Net-marketing manual which swept, and still sweeps, across the Web like an unstoppable tidal wave. It's the most highly regarded, and popular, publication of its kind on the Internet. It leaves anything remotely like it simply floundering in its wake.

So when Ken wrote to me, I was indeed pleasantly surprised. Partly because of his reputation... and also because I had studied his book. I even studied, intensively, the site he wrote to sell the book!

I'm a long-time copywriter by trade. A successful and highly paid one. But studying Ken was like opening a door to a brightly lit room. The further in I looked, the more I discovered.

And what did I discover? Was his phenomenal success due to…

Professional writing background?

Nope. He's a doctor -- the only thing he'd ever written before was a prescription! Yet he blends his words with the Web like no one else.

Expensively designed Web sites?

Hardly. (His sites are clean and simple.)

Massive advertising budget?

Wrong again!

His company's sales are achieved merely by having great products!

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And If You Believe That...

If you believe that great products automatically make sales happen, I have some wonderful land that I'd like to sell you -- it's in the middle of the Everglades. Just watch out for the alligators!

Yes, of course you must have great products to build a company like SiteSell.com. But it's the words that sell those great products.

After all, do you ever arrive at a Web site with credit card in hand, ready to buy because you just know that the products are great and will meet your needs? Of course not. It's the words that "get the order."

But not just any old words. No, no, no, NO!

For example, SiteSell.com simply makes the very best books about e-commerce on the Net. But no one knew that, at first. After all, so many sites claim to be "the best" at what they do... I'm sure you have competitors just like that, too.

So how did SiteSell.com break through the incredible clutter of Net marketing sites? How did Ken overcome those huge odds that all of us face? What magic wand did he wave? Simple...

Words. Words that sell. Words that offer a value for value proposition. No tricks... just the right words that persuade the customer to buy.

Pretty uncomplicated, right?

more feedback...

Right!... If you know how!

And believe me, Ken knows how. So when he wrote to congratulate me, I was more than a little flattered.

And then he wrote again...

Would you like to write a book about copywriting for the Net? I would want this book to be so good, so practical, that it becomes THE single reference book that everyone USES when writing a site.

But here's the really hard challenge, Joe...

It has to provide methods so simple, yet so powerful, that ANYONE can use them to write a persuasive, sales-getting site.


Does a Cat Love Cream?

Of course I was interested. And not just because I'd be working with Ken...

Sharing my original, Netcentric process would be the challenge of a lifetime!

Like all offline copywriters who come to the Net, I initially had troubles adapting. While the online customer has the same basic needs and desires as offline, this cyber-medium is totally different. And thereby hangs a big, big problem…

Why do offline copywriters have trouble adapting to the Net? They simply never seem to realize that writing a powerful direct marketing sales letter and "sticking it up on the Web," invariably results in a no sales zone! They refuse to accept that rehashed offline sales letters don't work. I know... I tried it on the first of my 3 Web sites!

But when I saw that it wasn't "quite right," I made it my business to discover what does work. I spent five months, doing nothing else on the Net but looking, asking, experimenting and probing, while making my living offline as a highly paid copywriter.

By the time Ken contacted me, I had landed some lucrative online contracts with companies. These savvy people had only one concern... to sell on the Net! These folks "got it"...

Got what?

"The Net is Different!"

Ken's directions in that e-mail obviously meant we would be building a book from the ground up. I was glad, because that's the right way, no it's the only way, to go. Totally Net-focused and ignoring all other media, his vision was clear...

• ... so good, so practical, that it becomes THE single reference book that everyone USES when writing a site.

• so simple, yet so powerful, that ANYONE can use them to write a persuasive, sales-getting site.

Nah... he didn't want much, did he? Yet I knew that he would settle for nothing less than yet another "BIBLE of its kind."

So... to make a very long story short... eight months of blood, sweat, and buckets of tears later, Ken said...

"Wow -- That's It!"

Make Your Words Sell! does more than reveal the secrets that Ken has used to propel SiteSell.com to its incredible success.

It does way more than show how powerful persuasive Net copy should be written.

And it does much, much more than just show you how to think like a successful Web copywriter. It shows you how to think like your customer, with your customer and ahead of your customer. And...

Not just any customer... your specific customer. Right from the very first moment (before, actually!) he or she enters your site, all the way through to the climax of taking the order... and the vital follow-up.

Step by careful step, word by word, paragraph by paragraph, and page by perfectly crafted page, Make Your Words Sell! transforms you into the consummate copywriter who knows how to write to sell.

And, as you are about to see, absolutely nothing is left out...


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What's Included?...

1) The Main Volume
Click here to see this volume's Table of Contents.

Make Your Words Sell! shows you how to write a Web site that sells your products and services. That's what we've been talking about so far.

Of course, Ken is never happy with merely delivering what he promises -- he insists upon OVERdelivering. Once this 309-page book about site-copywriting was nearly finished, Ken dropped this e-mail on my toes...

"What about e-mail, Joe?"

Boy is this man ever satisfied? OK, back to my hermit cave and another puddle of blood, sweat, and tears...

2) Make Your Words Sell!... For E-mail
Click here to see this volume's Table of Contents.

Writing an ad or an article for an e-zine? Struggling to craft a follow-up autoresponder to nail down your prospective customer? Do you publish your own e-zine? Or maybe you just want to improve the persuasiveness and professionalism of your daily e-mails?

This 76-page volume has all the answers to all your questions on how to write persuasive e-mail that sells. It even has all the answers to questions that you may not yet have even considered! Sometimes, what you don't know can hurt you.

Speaking of which, another e-mail from Ken came crashing in. He recognized that MYWS! failed to address the needs of a huge group of e-commerce business people who really don't know how words (or lack of same) are hurting them...

Joe, I know you don't like to get e-mails from me that start "I was just thinking." But...

I was just thinking. :-)

Have you ever noticed how BAD the copy is in online stores? Storekeepers are CUTTING sales substantially simply because they write either ZERO or BAD copy at every single point of contact with the customer. It's mindboggling.

What do you think, Joe?

Wow! Talk about severely needed information... information that would make a huge difference to online stores. And so...

3) Make Your Words Sell!... For Your Online Store
Click here to see this volume's Table of Contents.

Ken and I collaborated on this intensively. Together, we cover unique, ground-breaking territory. The final 61-page booklet is pure gold... it alone is worth "the price of admission."

If you have an online store, or are thinking about starting one, you'll discover...

  • the single "Most Wanted Response" that every store must aim for. It's so obvious, yet no one seems to be going for it!

  • how to craft a Storefront (Home Page) that achieves its most important function. Only a smart handful of stores do this.

  • the simple secrets of writing a strong opener that pulls your visitor deeply into your store. We could only find a single store that does it!

  • how to make the text links of your product directory work like mini-headlines. Why don't stores try to pull their visitors past their "front doors?" You will... and you'll succeed.

What about once your visitor gets past your Storefront and enters more deeply into your store? We'll show you...

  • the logic and power of writing sales-pulling product descriptions, including the correct approach for thumbnails and zoomed descriptions (very different!)

  • how to turn that "fraught with peril" path to checkout into a simple, tight process

  • what it takes to convince your visitor to roll that shopping cart up to the cash register and click that "Buy Now" button

  • what to write in your after-sales message. Again, almost no one does this. But you will.

Actually, you'll do all of it. And you'll sell because of it.

Phew! Just as I thought this was the most complete book about copywriting, online or off, anywhere... yup, Ken had an extra idea. Will I ever get my life back??...

Joe, you know those books of power words? How bogus, right? But what if you pulled out the most important, useful and usable, words... Group them according to WHEN to use them. And explain exactly HOW to use them?

Joe, would that be helpful?

Hey, would a remote-controlled golf ball help golfers??? One more puddle later...

4) Words that Trigger Automatic Response
Click here to see this volume's Table of Contents.

When, where, why and how to use the English language's strongest words and phrases, grouped according to purpose and effect...

  • words that arouse

  • reassuring phrases

  • guarantees

  • calls to action that work...

Eleven categories in all. This 27-page guide is full of vital words and phrases that trigger automatic response to your sales message.

And surprise!...

"Free" is not at the top of the list. All the hackneyed, overused words are out. This is your user's manual to a sales-generating vocabulary.

Ken even includes his own personal copywriting reference library... weird books that help him develop a sharp metaphor that fits, add the "just right" zinger quote, create a clever simile that adds punch -- I could go on and on about just this library. These amazing, unknown books will push your writing to yet a higher level.

As I typed the final period, I half-waited, half-dreaded another e-mail from Ken. But what more could he possibly want to include? The book covers...

  • Web site copywriting

  • e-mail-writing

  • online store copywriting

  • and your own user's manual to the English language.

And then... one more e-mail did come from Ken...

Geez Joe,

I can't think of a single extra thing to add! Remember these words?...

• ... so good, so practical, that it becomes THE single reference book that everyone USES when writing a site.

• so simple, yet so powerful, that ANYONE can use them to write a persuasive, sales-getting site.

I do believe we've done it!

And, now that I'm out of my cave and my eyes have acclimatized to daylight once again, I can see the entire package in front of me. I can only echo Ken's thoughts...

"Wow -- That's It!"

No hype. I never use it....

You won't see anything like Make Your Words Sell! anywhere else on the Net. Every BS&T-soaked word was written exclusively for the Net, about the Net, and by two people who know the Net, who apply these principles in their own online businesses.

Speaking of my partner, it's time to turn this site..


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Back Over to Ken

Thanks Joe, for your perspective. Time to summarize...

Owning MYWS! is just like having your very own, personal copywriting muse and coach. The muse inspires you, points you in the right directions. The coach nudges you along every step of the way.

By the time you've finished, here are just a few skills you'll own...

  • Use the unique "SWAT-it-to-death" technique to master key skills that trouble most copywriters, amateur or pro...
    • create the perfect USP

    • write headlines that pull without hyping

    • generate an unbelievable number of benefits from your product, benefits that you'll never see without "SWATTING" your product's features

    • use the benefits that are the most important to your customers

    • word those benefits perfectly to get the sale

  • multiply sales by writing an order page that demands action from your visitor

  • write an e-zine (or autoresponder message) that compels your readers to go straight to your Order Page.

  • add words to your online store that, yes, actually sell!

No mistake about it... This is THE REAL THING. MYWS! is just the sales tonic that e-commerce has been waiting for.

Begging for.

Praying for!

And perhaps best of all...

It's So Simple...
So Easy To Follow

MYWS! is laid out in such a unique simple-to-follow format, that A-N-Y-O-N-E, novice or pro, can do it. Remember... this is not "Hemingway" stuff.

MYWS! shows you how to learn more about your product and customer than you ever thought possible! Then takes you the rest of the way to the sale.

Or, perhaps this is best of all...

It's the Complete Deal

Think of it as your "Complete Net Copy Knowledge Bank." From your opening paragraph until you close the sale, MYWS! covers it all.

It's really an on-the-job mini-university course in copywriting. Far, far better than those recycled Web-writing courses that you might discover on the Net, some costing 10, 20, even 40 times as much.

Actually, I think this might be the best part of all...

It's Affordable

I never use ruthless copy like "Hey, the $495 is nothing compared to the sales that you'll get." Nor do I use that other nasty manipulator, "Consider the $495 as an investment in your business."

First of all, I just don't believe that information should be that expensive, no matter how valuable it is. But more importantly...

Great copy is not about ruthless manipulation so you can "charge 'til it hurts." It's about introducing the customer to a value-for-value exchange... the customer decides to trade cash for benefits. Of course, it's your words that persuade your visitor to make that decision.

Those same words can be used in a dishonest way, to fool people. I trust you to honor your commitment to your customers and never use the power in MYWS! in the wrong way.

OK, I'll get off the podium now.

After I think about all that MYWS! delivers, I have to admit it... I'm not sure what's "best" about MYWS!. Whatever it is, it's all backed by...

My Personal Guarantee

It's very simple...

No strings.

No ifs, ands or buts.

No time limits.

And no questions asked.

Just ask for your money back and SiteSell.com will refund you. I doubt if you will ask, though, because once you turn the last page...

You'll Be Standing In Your
Very Own Acre Of Diamonds

All of it achieved by simply learning how to apply the amazing power of the right words...

Powerful, persuasive, pocket-jingling words...

Words that sell, and continue to sell!...

Day in. Day out. 365 days a year.

Words that achieve astronomically greater results than all the gizmos, over-designed Web sites, and traffic generating software put together.

Even greater
than any pro copywriter you'll ever find. Why? Because you are the one with passion for your product and knowledge of your target market -- all you're missing is the skill to e-persuade.

Now you have it.

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MYWS! Will Help You
In So Many Ways

In fact it's difficult to avoid sounding like a hype merchant as I describe the enormous amount of valuable information it delivers. For instance you will also learn...

  • How to write an order page that just refuses to be ignored

  • An effective-but-underused method of preventing "Buyer's Remorse"... and canceled orders

  • How a simple two line e-mail can work wonders for your profits

  • Techniques that ensure your visitors read your entire message

  • The single best way to increase your follow-up sales

  • Common mistakes that kill sales day after day, mistakes made even by the pros.

But instead of going on and on, let me sum it all up, then ask you a single question. First, the summary...

MYWS! is all you'll ever need to write order-generating, lead-getting, sales-clinching words. If you ever find you need another copywriting book, just use my money-back guarantee to finance that purchase!

Now the question...

"Are You Serious?"

I mean really serious... about transforming your Internet business into a highly professional, respected and profit-generating business?

You are? Then get your hands on MYWS!.


Like NOW!

Not later. Not tomorrow. Not maybe someday…


Because nothing ever published even remotely approaches MYWS!. You have never read or used anything like it. But once you read and apply it, you will use it over and over and over again...

... and wonder how you could ever have sold without it.

No, it won't turn you into Hemingway. But you will be forever more persuasive, no matter what you market on the Net.

Master and use the incredible power of words,
the magic, irresistible and unstoppable
power of words that sell!

Click here to order now.
You are in for one HECK
of an exhilarating, sales-generating ride!
