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Free information to help you become a success and make money doing the things you want. Free Business Reports.
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Money for Webmasters

Make Money in Online Auctions - Free Report

How to Influence and Persuade - Secrets Revealed

All the information on this site is FREE. It is information that I have accumulated over the years in my search to discover what it takes to become successful.

The information links below are just a small part of the information I hope to put on this site. I will be updating this site with more information on a regular basis, so please bookmark this page.

Lots of companies will charge you a lot of money for the same information you can get on this site for free. If there is any information you would like to see on this site please make a suggestion.

Here are some articles to help you achieve the success you want. More to follow.

Do you believe you can reach the top? - Change your beliefs about what you can achieve.
Body Language - When is Someone Lying? - Avoid being conned by liars and scam-artists.New
How to Influence and Persuade - Part One - Get people to see things your way (without violence).
How to Influence and Persuade - Part Two - How to gain rapport.
The Triggers of Success - How the subconscious mind affects buying decisions.
NLP Essentials - Everything you should know about NLP.
NLP - Patterns of success.
Hypnotic Writing - Persuade people with your writing.
How to Create an Amazing First Impression - Get new people to see you in a good light before you've even spoken.New

Free business reports.

How to Make Money in Online Auctions - An easy way to make money.
20 Great things to sell by mail - Many of these ideas could, should or have been adapted for e-commerce.
Advertising Questions Answered - Some advertising problems solved.
How to start a Bartering Club - An interesting idea with possibilities.
How to Get Big Money in Your Mail Box - Each Day - Mail order
Mail Order Blunders and How to Avoid Them - A comprehensive guide to the scams and pitfalls of mail order and MLM.
Your Blueprint for Mailshot Millions - A very useful guide to mailorder.
Get Started in Car Dealing - An easy way to make quick cash.
Clean Up in Cleaning - A report on the cleaning business.
Clean-It and Cash In - A report on car valeting.
How to Write Profitable Classified Ads - Some help with classified ads.
How to Start You Own Business Consulting Service - Something almost everyone can do.