This is one of the web-pages of Libarid A. Maljian at the Department of Physics at CSLA at NJIT.




New Jersey Institute of Technology

College of Science and Liberal Arts

Department of Physics

General Physics II, Section 101

Phys 103-101

Fall 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014, 06:00 p.m. to 07:25 p.m.

Tiernan Hall, Room 114

First Examination Grades and Analysis




The last five digits of your 8-digit NJIT ID number are displayed with your grade.

This is not your 9-digit Social Security Number.

If you do not know your 8-digit NJIT ID number, you may call me and ask.

Do not send me an e-mail.


15952  41 %

18127  50 %

24219  100 %

26517  78 %

34444  46 %

38055  75 %

39191  91 %

47403  15 %

47864  66 %

48801  07 %

51137  37 %

56308  65 %

58774  10 %

60066  46 %

65439  10 %

68018  56 %

92074  85 %

92289  74 %

92771  72  %

92967  30 %




<g> = 52.70          σg = 27.57              n = 20









New Jersey Institute of Technology

College of Science and Liberal Arts at NJIT

Department of Physics at CSLA at NJIT

Libarid A. Maljian at

Libarid A. Maljian at the Department of Physics at CSLA at NJIT




This web-site was most recently modified on Saturday, the twenty-seventh day of September, anno Domini MMXIV, at 02:45 ante meridiem EDT.