This is one of the webpages of Libarid A. Maljian at the Department of Physics at CSLA at NJIT.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
College of Science and Liberal Arts
Department of Physics
Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology
Spring 2019
Third Examination grades and analysis
The last five digits of your eight-digit student identification number are displayed with your grade.
This is not your nine-digit social security number.
If you do not know your eight-digit student identification number, you may call me and ask.
Do not send me an email.
00045 66 %
00371 34 ⅔ %
01851 64 %
01960 67 ⅓ %
02428 63 ⅓ %
05983 92 ⅔ %
06887 44 ⅔ %
14851 78 %
16053 72 %
16101 67 ⅓ %
16105 66 ⅔ %
19106 52 %
19224 74 ⅔ %
19341 74 ⅔ %
27810 30 ⅔ %
29421 37 ⅓ %
31922 56 %
34300 58 ⅔ %
34784 94 %
35336 57 ⅓ %
35759 47 ⅓ %
36270 50 ⅔ %
37846 65 ⅓ %
38297 55 ⅓ %
39128 74 ⅔ %
41147 49 ⅓ %
41679 64 ⅔ %
41941 49 ⅓ %
43721 56 ⅔ %
44638 64 %
46767 90 %
47918 94 ⅔ %
48408 66 %
49357 67 ⅓ %
49634 48 ⅔ %
50367 60 %
50747 58 ⅔ %
51261 66 %
51349 68 ⅔ %
52447 53 ⅓ %
53628 83 ⅓ %
54684 61 ⅓ %
58204 74 ⅔ %
58485 82 %
58936 44 %
60629 88 ⅔ %
61064 65 ⅓ %
61311 66 ⅔ %
61624 77 ⅓ %
63133 65 ⅓ %
64997 62 %
65148 79 ⅓ %
66213 44 ⅔ %
66571 78 %
66741 86 ⅔ %
67023 44 %
67052 75 ⅓ %
68124 46 ⅔ %
69143 89 ⅓ %
69176 61 ⅓ %
69304 87 ⅓ %
69319 72 %
69666 49 ⅓ %
71356 55 ⅓ %
72954 68 %
73851 76 ⅔ %
74352 92 %
76337 68 %
77203 62 %
77272 46 ⅔ %
77745 66 %
78268 44 ⅔ %
78706 90 %
82316 79 ⅓ %
82402 52 ⅔ %
83039 78 ⅔ %
83905 84 %
84653 68 ⅔ %
93780 66 ⅔ %
94708 74 %
98895 56 ⅔ %
<g> = 65.65 σg = 14.80 n = 81
New Jersey Institute of Technology
College of Science and Liberal Arts at NJIT
Department of Physics at CSLA at NJIT
Libarid A. Maljian at
Libarid A. Maljian at the Department of Physics at CSLA at NJIT
This webpage was most recently modified on Tuesday, the twenty-third day of April, anno Domini MMXIX, at 03:45 ante meridiem EDT.