
NJIT Mathematical Biology Seminar

Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 4:00 pm
Cullimore Hall 611
New Jersey Institute of Technology


Single and multiple-spikes traveling wave solutions in integrate and fire neural networks

Remus Osan

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University


We investigate the propagation of the traveling wave fronts in a one-dimensional integrate-and-fire network of synaptically coupled neurons for the case of one, two and multiple spike waves. For the single spike wave case, we use an integro-differential equation characterizing the evolution of the firing time as a function of spatial position to determine the relationship between the speed of the propagating wave and its acceleration. This facilitates our understanding of the conditions required for successful propagation. Expanding the equation for the two and multiple wave cases yields further insight on the mechanisms by which sustained transient propagation evolves towards the stable constant-speed traveling wave solutions.

Last Modified: Sep 16, 2005
Victor Matveev
m a t v e e v @ n j i t . e d u