The scripts following below reproduce data in Figs. 2c-d and S7-S9 of the manuscript:

A.M. Weber, F.K. Wong, A.R. Tufford, L.C. Schlichter, V. Matveev, and E.F. Stanley (2010)
N-type Ca2+ channels carry the largest current: implications for nanodomains and transmitter release.      Nature Neuroscience 13: 1348-1350.   Full Text  

 GenerateData.par This CalC script generates data used by Figs. 2 & S6-S9. It requires a single command-line parameter, the buffer diffusion coefficient (in μm2/ms). To produce the needed data, execute the following instructions:

     calc.exe GenerateData.par 0
     calc.exe GenerateData.par 0.05

 Fig_S6_S8.m A MATLAB m-file that generates Figures S6 and S8 using data produced by CalC script GenerateData.par above.

 Fig_S7_S9.m A MATLAB m-file that generates Figures S7 and S9 using data produced by CalC script GenerateData.par above.

 Fig2d.m A MATLAB m-file that shows results of Fig. 2(d) based on data produced by CalC script GenerateData.par above.

 process.m A MATLAB utility that parses simulation data, used by MATLAB Figure scripts above.

Supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DMS 0817703 to Victor Matveev

Victor Matveev
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Last modified: August 9, 2012