Download and place all scripts in the same directory before executing.
♦ sweepGsynRandModel1.m
Generate optimal parameter sets for Model 1, by fitting data contained in file data.txt
♦ sweepGsynRandModel2.m
Generate optimal parameter sets for Model 2, by fitting data contained in file data.txt
♦ AnalyzeResultsModel1.m
Generates Fig. 3 based on data in file DataRandGsynModel1.m produced by sweepGsynRandModel1.m
♦ AnalyzeResultsModel2.m
Generates Fig. 6 based on data in file DataRandGsynModel2.m produced by sweepGsynRandModel2.m
♦ AnalyzeResultsGradient.m
Generates Figs. 2 & 5
based on data in files DataRandGsynModel1.m and DataRandGsynModel2.m
♦ FitCostGsynModel1.m
Calculate objective function for model 1
♦ FitCostGsynModel2.m
Calculate objective function for model 2
♦ costBalancedInfo.m
Lowest-level objective function fitting the time-course and short-term plasticity
♦ getData.m
Utility data-processing routine
♦ extract.m
Utility data-processing routine
♦ data.txt
Experimental membrane potential time course
♦ DataRandGsynModel1.m
Example output data: optimal parameter sets for Model 1 produced by sweepGsynRandModel1.m
♦ DataRandGsynModel2.m
Example output data: optimal parameter sets for Model 2 produced by sweepGsynRandModel2.m