
The NSF-funded Group Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics Training Program will provide long-term research experience for undergraduate students majoring in Mathematics and Biology, taking advantage of the unique strong ties between the Departments of Mathematics and Biology at NJIT, and building upon the achievements of the preceding Institutional UBM program. The goal of this Program is to prepare students to pursue graduate studies or industrial scientific research in fields combining Mathematics and Biology, fulfilling the growing need for young researchers skilled in the combined application of experimental and quantitative techniques to tackle challenging new problems in the Life Sciences. This Program will strenghten collaborations between NJIT investigators working within different academic disciplines, leading to new research projects, and potentially resulting in new findings and discoveries.

This Program will train 6 students per year, broken into three groups, with joint mentoring of each 2-student group by a pair of faculty from the Department of Mathematical Sciences (NJIT) and the Federated Department of Biological Sciences (NJIT/Rutgers-Newark). Research projects will cover a diverse set of Mathematical Biology areas, focusing on different topics in Neuroscience, Ecology or Cell Biology. Special emphasis will be made on the development of written and oral communication skills, with students required to make regular presentations at weekly group meetings. Students will write a final report of research results and findings, in a publishable format.

UBM Program Timeline

Participating Laboratories

Neuroscience Cell Biology Ecology
Victor Matveev (PI: Math)
Jorge Golowasch (co-PI: Biol)
Farzan Nadim (Math/Biol)
Amitabha Bose (Math)
Robert Miura (Math)
Horacio Rotstein (Math)
Andrew Hill (Biol)
Camelia Prodan (Biophys)
Nihal Altan-Bonnet (Biol)
Alexis Rodriguez (Biol)
Edward Bonder (Biol)
Linda Cummings (Math)
Gareth Russell (co-PI: Biol)
Daniel Bunker (Biol)
Karina Schäfer (Biol)

Evolutionary Biology & Philogenetics
Jessica Ware (Biol)

This Program is supported by the NSF grant award DMS-0926232