Math-401 and Summer 2010 Assignments |
Mar 15 |
vary.m |
Learn to use loop and conditional statements: solutions of differential equation y'=t-y |
Apr 1 |
twoD.m |
Two dimensional flows and plots of vector fields: solution of a linear system with unstable focus at the origin |
Apr 16 |
FN_Hopf.m |
Matlab code for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model, showing the solution with initial condition close to the fixed point,
as the applied current I is varied. Subthreshold Hopf bifurcation arises as the fixed point
loses stability and gives way to periodic spiking solution.
May 3 |
HH.m |
Matlab code for the Hodgkin-Huxley model, showing the time course of a single action potential
June 1 |
spring4.m |
Matlab function defining ODE system for 4 masses connected with springs
movie4.m |
See a movie of four vibrating masses connected with springs
June 9 |
Nsprings.m |
Matlab function defining ODE system for N masses connected with springs
springMovie.m |
See a movie of N vibrating masses connected with springs
June 10 |
ML_Hopf.m |
Plot of the main variables fo the Morris-Lecar model as the applied current parameter is varied
ML.m |
This program shows the phase-plane dynamics of the Morris-Lecar model along with the time-dependence of the solution
June 12 |
ant.m |
Monte-Carlo simulation of chemotactic insect movement across a finite field
with a source patch of attractant
June 15 |
tristab.m |
This program shows that the Morris-Lecar model can exhibit tristability with two stable fixed points and a stable limit cycle
July 12 |
rossler.m |
Rossler system as the minimal model of chaos: stretch, bend, squeeze, repeat.