Dynamical robustness and stability of ecological systems with different types of trophic interactions
The goal of this project is to explore whether the type of inter-population interactions in a system of four populations
(e.g. mutualism, competition, predator-prey, etc.) influences the sensitivity of the dynamics of the system to
perturbations such as climate change. A working hypothesis is that
structural stability of system dynamics (i.e., sensitivity to parameter values) imply stability to external
climate perturbations. To address this question, extensive computational work will be performed to analyze the dynamics
of a 3- and 4-population systems for different values of parameters, comparing models that have different sign of
interaction terms, corresponding to different types of interactions. Algorithms will be developed to
automatically classify the dynamics of a system for a given set of initial conditions and paramter values,
as the parameter space is systematically scanned. The resulting data will be processed to compare the sensitivities
of ecological systems with different trophic interactions.
UBM student
Thomas Anderson (quantitative ecology laboratory of
Dr Daniel Bunker):