This script calls the CalC script and plots the data produced by CalC. Make
sure to use the correct CalC executable name in the script.
♦ FCTdemo.m |
This MATLAB script executes CalC script FCT.par below at each iteration of the
for-loop, passing the total buffer concentration varied within this loop as a command-line parameter:
♦ FCT.par |
This CalC script simulates Ca2+ at 80 nm
from a channel cluster in response to a five-pulse train
This MATLAB script should produce the following figure demonstrating non-monotonic dependence of facilitation by buffer saturation on the total Ca2+ concentration: ![]() |
command may sometimes stop working for no apparent reason;
in this case I recommend running MATLAB in command-line mode (matlab -nosplash -nojvm -nodesktop
), which seems to always
solve this problem.