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Welcome to CS 490!

Welcome to CS 490: Guided Design in Software Engineering! This is a course about building software that satisfies stronger properties than “it works”: it’s about building software that is correct, reliable, maintainable, testable, and usable. That is, this course will teach you about how to build software well.

The course is structured around giving you experience in both the theory (through readings and lectures) and the practice (through programming assignments and a large group project) of software engineering. However, this course has a strong emphasis on the practical: the assignments mirror real engineering activities, most readings are blog posts from engineers, etc. My overarching goal in this class is to expose you to how high-quality software engineering is done at the world’s best software engineering firms.

On this course website, you can find:

© 2022-2024 Martin Kellogg, Jonathan Bell, Adeel Bhutta and Mitch Wand. Released under the CC BY-SA license