Read "Accumulation Analysis" and then skim "Verifying Object Construction" to see how an accumulation analysis is useful in practice. Then, answer these reading questions: 1. Consider Table III of the paper "Effective typestate verification in the presence of aliasing", which we read for last class. Name one example from the table of a typestate property that is an accumulation typestate property, and one example of a typestate property that is not. 2. What is the purpose of the TS-LOAD-FIX rule? If the language of the proof had no fields (i.e., no loads or stores), would the problem solved by this rule come up? 3. Give an example of alias reasoning that is done by the practical accumulation analysis discussed in "Verifying Object Construction". How is this alias reasoning different than running a whole-program alias analysis? 4. What was the most confusing part of the reading? Is there anything you still don't understand? 5. How much time did you spend on this assignment (both the reading and answering the questions, combined)?