CS 791:   Doctoral Seminar


CS 791 is Computer Science Departmental Seminars presented by invited speakers from industry and other universities.  The seminars are usually scheduled during the university Common Hours, normally on Wednesdays 2:30 pm, but not necessarily every week.  Announcements are posted on the department website and also emailed to PhD students.   The purpose of these seminars is to inform students and faculty on the state-of-the-art research and development activities in various areas of Computer Science.




Full-time PhD students, including all supported students (TA’s and RA’s), are required to register for CS 791 every semester and required to attend at least 75% of the announced CS seminars. The course is 0 credits and does not affect the load and tuition.


Part-time PhD students are not required to register for CS 791.  Attendance of the seminars for part-time students is not mandatory, but they are encouraged to attend the seminars whenever possible.