From: TAP Editor Date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:48 AM Subject: IEEE AP Society R. W. King award shortlisted paper To: Cc: Dear Dr. Causley, Your paper Causley, M.F.; Petropoulos, P.G., "On the Time-Domain Response of Havriliak-Negami Dielectrics," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.61, no.6, pp.3182,3189, June 2013 has been shortlisted for a Transactions paper award of the IEEE AP Society. To see whether it can be considered for the R. W. King award, we need to know the following information: (1) Was the first author 36 years old or below when the paper was submitted? (2) The first author's age when the paper was received (the “received” date as shown in the published paper). (3) Date of birth of the first author (day, month, year), and (4) The relationship between the first and second authors. Is the second author (1) the PhD thesis advisor of the first author, (2) a mentor of the first author, or (3) a collaborator? Please select a number: for example, (1). If the second author is (3) a collaborator, then please (5) describe his/her age. Since the schedule is very tight, grateful if you could reply by Mar. 3, 2014. Many thanks. Sincerely, Kwok W. (Ben) Leung Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. AP