SYLLABUS Fall 2015
An updated syllabus is available in Moodle.
There is no textbook for this semester. In addition to online readings throughout the semester, students may want to select a book about social media in an area of personal or professional interest to use. A list of suggested books is listed in Moodle and on my blog.
One text that will be used in the course's examination of social network theory is The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler. Benkler has made the entire book available for free download at
Below are the major units in the course and several sample readings. Actual assigned reading will be posted in Moodle.
Setting the Social Media Stage
Benkler, The Wealth of Networks, Ch. 6, “Do Social Networks Democratize the Net?”
The Future of Broadcast Media is Social
Networks and Mediums.
The Social Media Bible, Chapter 1; "The Social Graph"
Analytics and Engagement
Benkler, Ch 10 "The Emergence of Social Software"
Males versus Females on Social Networks
Case Studies blog
Word of Mouth Marketing: Case Study Library
Case Studies Online
Creating a Strategy Proposal
Visual Elements of SM
Location-Based Services and Mobile
UX and UI
Social Media Professionals
READINGS: Corporate SM Policies;
Some of the additional web sites used in the course:
Blogs & Sites To Follow
Assignments and Grading
Formal papers – 30%
Social media strategy proposal – in two parts – 40%
Participation in all forums (particularly within Moodle, but also in selected social networks) 30%
Academic Integrity
Any evidence of cheating in any form, including plagiarism, will be dealt with according to the honor code of NJIT. Papers submitted may be checked using for proper citation.
For more information, see and for additional information