Spring 2007 GMF Colloquia
Februrary 5, 2007 | Prof. Bruno A. Boley (Emeritus) Member: National Academy of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics Columbia University New York, NY "Some Reminiscences on Raymond D. Mindlin on the Centennial of his Birth" |
Februrary 19 , 2007 | Prof. C. C. Huang "The Fabrication of Nano-Composites and Engineered Particles Using Dry Powder Processing Technique" Hosokawa Micron, Inc. Summit, New Jersey |
March 5, 2007 | Prof. Jonathan Luke "Large Scale Convection in a Well-Stirred Sedimenting Suspension" Department of Mathematical Sciences New Jersey Institute of Technology jonathan.h.luke@njit.edu |
March 26, 2007 | Prof. Troy Shinbrot "Separation and Charge Amplification in Granular Flows" Biomedical Engineering Rutgers University shinbrot@sol.rutgers.edu |
April 9, 2007 | Prof. Michel Louge "Granular Flows and Surface Density on Desert Dunes" Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Cornell University myl3@cornell.edu |
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For further information, please contact Dr. A. Rosato, ME Department (rosato@njit.edu; 973-596-5829).