Dear colleagues:
The Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Magnetics Society kicks-off a Thesis Video Contest: “El
magnetismo tiene impacto/Magnetism has an impact. Master and PhD students from all
over the world are welcome. Please distribute!
Master and PhD students willing to participate should record a free-style short video (3 min
maximum) about their research and its impact on society, economy and/or industry. The
Deadline is November 7th 2022.
We started this initiative with a grant from the Call for Recruitment and Stabilization of Student
Members of Spanish Chapters from the Spain Section, and fortunately the IEEE Magnetics
Society has joined. So now, there are two Categories:
-Best National video (from Spanish institutions).
-Best International video (from Rest of the World institutions).
There will be 3 awardees in each category who will receive a certificate and one year of free
membership to the IEEE Magnetics Society.
The awards will be announced in the annual meeting of the Spanish Chapter on Nov. 17-18th.
Please check the webpage:
for additional details and submission.
Best regards,
Dr. José Miguel García-Martín
Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, CSIC
Chair of the Spanish Chapter of IEEE Magnetics