Jacob Savir
Distinguished Professor
of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, New Jersey
Phone: (973)
Email: savir@oak.njit.edu
Research Interests
Test Generation: this field of research
deals with efficient computation of test vectors to detect manufacturing
faults in digital circuits.
Fault Simulation: this field of
investigation deals with efficient simulation techniques to determine which
faults are detected by a given test.
Design for Testability: this field
of research deals with innovative ways to make a design more testable,
i.e reducing the test generation time, and increasing the fault coverage.
Computer-Aided Design: this field
of research deals with automatic design tools for digital circuits.
Built-In Self-Test (BIST): this
field of research deals with innovative structured design methodology that
will allow a digital circuit to test itself.
Recent Publications
Journal Papers:
J. Savir, ''Random Pattern Testability of the Control and Address
Circuitry of an Embedded Memory with Feed-Forward Data-Path Connections,''
Journal of Electronic Testing, vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 279-296, Dec. 1999.
J. Savir, ''Distributed Generation of Weighted Random Patterns,''
IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 1364-1368, Dec. 1999.
J. Savir, ''On-Chip Weighted Random Patterns,''
Journal of Electronic Testing, vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 41-50, Aug. 1998.
J. Savir, ''Random Pattern Testability of Memory Address Logic,''
IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 17, pp. 1310-1318, Dec. 1998.
J. Savir, ''Redundancy Revisited,''
IEEE Trans. on VLSI, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 620-624, Dec. 1998.
J. Savir,
''On-Chip Weighted Random Patterns,''
Journal of Electronic Testing, vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 41-50, Aug. 1998.
J. Savir, ''Salvaging Test Windows
in BIST Diagnostics,'' IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 47,
No. 4, pp. 486-491, April 1998.
J. Savir, ''Random Pattern
Testability of Memory Control Logic,'' IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 47,
No. 3, pp. 305-312, March 1998.
J. Savir, ''Reduced Latch Count
Shift Registers,'' Journal of Electronic Testing,
vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 183-185, Oct. 1997.
J. Savir, ''Delay Test Generation:
A Hardware Perspective,'' Journal of Electronic Testing,
vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 245-254, June 1997.
J. Savir, ''Module Level Weighted
Random Patterns,'' Journal of Electronic Testing, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 283-287,
June 1997.
J. Savir, ''Reducing the MISR
Size,'' IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 930-939, August 1996.
J. Savir ''Shrinking Wide
Compressors,'' IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 1379-1387, Nov.
J. Savir and S. Patil, ''On
Broad-Side Delay Test,'' IEEE Trans. on VLSI, vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 368-372,
Sept. 1994.
J. Savir and S. Patil, ''Broad-Side
Delay Test,'' IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 13, No. 8, pp.1057-1064, Aug. 1994.
J. Savir and P.H. Bardell,
''Built-in Self-Test: Milestones and Challenges,'' Gordon and Breach Science
Publishers, VLSI Design, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 23-44, 1993.
J. Savir and S. Patil, ''Scan-Based
Transition Test,'' IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 1232-1241, August
J. Savir and R. Berry, ''AC
Strength of a Pattern Generator,'' J. on Electronic Testing, Issue 2, vol.
3, pp. 119-125, May 1992.
J. Savir and W.H. McAnney,
''A Multiple Seed Linear Feedback Shift Register,'' IEEE Trans. Comput.,
vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 250-252, Feb. 1992.
Published Books
Bardell, McAnney & Savir: "Built-In
Testing for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques"; Wiley Interscience;
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, 1978,
Stanford University

MS Statistics, 1976, Stanford University

M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, 1974,
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, 1968,
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
A. Academic
Newark College of Engineering Associate Dean for Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Distinguished Professor &
Director of Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Adjunct Professor, Pace University,
Adjunct Professor, SUNY Purchase,
Adjunct Lecturer, Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology, 1972-75
Adjunct Lecturer, Technion-Handasaiim,
Israel Institute of Technology, 1972-75
Adjunct Lecturer, Ort Syngalovsky,
Adjunct Lecturer, Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology , 1967
B. Non-Academic
Scientist, IBM, PowerPC, 1995-96

Scientist, IBM, Hudson Valley Research
Park, 1993-95
Scientist, IBM, Enterprise Systems,

Research Staff Member, IBM, T.J.
Watson Research Center, 1978-82
J. Savir: Scan-based delay
tests having enhanced test vector pattern generation;
US 5,642,362; filed: 6/18/92, issued: 6/24/97.
P.H. Bardell and J. Savir: Test
and diagnosis of associated output logic for products having embedded arrays,
US 5,442,640; filed:1/19/93; issued: 8/15/95.
J. Savir: Universal weight generator,
US 5,394,405; filed: 1/17/91; issued: 2/28/95.
R. Berry and J. Savir: Delay test
coverage enhancement for logic circuitry employing level sensitive scan
design, US 5,278,842; filed: 2/4/91; issued: 1/11/94.
Fellow, IEEE.

Member, Sigma-Xi.