CIS461     Dr. J. Scher     Home Mini Exam #1     Due: Wednesday, January 29, 4:00 P.M.

A Crossword Puzzle on Simulation Definitions and Fundamentals

Read/View   Before beginning this Home Mini Exam, be sure you have viewed and read the following items from Week 1 of the Course Syllabus:

The Puzzle:  You may print the puzzle and the clues in either of two ways:

a) Print a hard copy of this web page

b) Click anywhere on the Crossword Puzzle grid below to obtain a PDF file (which may be read in the freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader)  containing both the Crossword Puzzle and the clues.

Submit: The puzzle with your filled in answers. Be certain to print CLEARLY, on your submitted puzzle, your last name, first name, and Student ID. Submissions may either be hand-delivered to Dr. Scher (Room 4407 GITC, slide under door if he is not in the office), or snail-mailed (must be postmarked on or before the due date - no exceptions) to Dr. Julian M. Scher, Department of Information Systems, College of Computing Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 323 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102).


Across Clues

1. Simulation should not be used if the costs exceed _________________.

2. Systems simulation is an ________ experiment on a system.

4. Simulation should not be used if it is easier to perform _____ experiments.

5. The amount of water in a lake over time illustrates a __________ system.

8. Profit and throughput are examples of ________________ measures.

11. A set of objects united in some form of regular interaction/interdependence.

14. Model ______________ generally implies a simulation language or simulation software.

16. Testing the agreement between behavior of the model vs. the object system.

17. "Number waiting in a queue" is an example of a _________ variable.

19. Systems ________ means we must find a system satisfying given a performance.

21. In modeling systems, one decides on the _____ between the system and its environment.

23. _____________ numbers are used in simulation studies for random phenomena.

24. The power of simulation is the ability to ask ________ type questions.

25. One important function of a model is as a tool of __________________.

26. The special purpose simulation language we will be using in CIS461.

27. A program to compute the roots of any polynomial illustrates a ____ system.

Down Clues

1. Tossing a coin is an example of a _______________ system.

3. Simulation should not be used if the problem can be solved ___________.

4. A queueing system is an example of a ____________ event system.

5. __________ in any form is not permitted in CIS461.

6. ___________ is the last step in a simulation study.

7. A __________ model is one which represents a system with waiting lines.

9. The first step in a simulation study is problem _______________.

10. In contrast to optimization models, simulation models are ________ rather than solved.

11. Problems which can be solved by common __________ need not be simulated.

12. While there do exist physical models, we do focus more on _______ models.

13. A completion of service is an example of a(n) _______________ event.

15. A representation of an object, system or idea in some form.

17. "To assume the appearance without the reality" means to ________________.

18. Systems ________ means we are given a system, and must determine performance.

20. An activity or event in the environment that affects the system.

22. Simulation can be used to ______________ analytical solutions.


Acknowledgement: This crossword puzzle was created using Word Junction 1.0, a PC MAGAZINE utility program, written by J. Waldman & J. Heath. {If you are curious about the algorithm design for generating this crossword puzzle, you can read the original article by Waldman and Heath in PC Magazine, Volume 14, No. 20, November 21, 1995, pp. 285 -292.} If you wish to create your own crossword puzzles, you can download Word Junction 1.0 from Dr. Scher's "Gems of Public Domain/Freeware" web page, at Note that a Visual Basic Runtime Module is required to run Word Junction.

{There are several alternative crossword puzzle generators, some of which offer more options and more speed, but Word Junction 1.0  is free with no registration fees or other costs (subject to the copyright provisions.)}