Date |
Speaker and Title |
Host |
Sept. 6 |
Labor Day
Sept. 15 |
Recheduled for Oct 6
Shahriar Afkhami |
Sept. 20 |
Xiaolin Li, Stony Brook University
Front tracking and its coupling with convection dominated problems |
Michael Siegel |
Sept. 27 |
Ian Griffiths, University of Oxford
Mathematical modelling of adsorption kinetics and micellization in
surfactant systems |
Linda Cummings |
Oct. 6 (with waves seminar) |
Arnaud Goullet, NJIT
Evolution of large amplitude internal solitary waves using a regularized model |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Oct. 11 |
Shravan Veerapaneni, NYU/Courant
Large-scale simulations of vesicles suspended in 3D viscous flows |
Yuan Young |
Oct. 18 |
Young Ju Lee, Rutgers
Self-Sustaining Oscillations of the Falling Sphere Through the Johnson-Segalman Fluids |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Oct. 25 |
Qiming Wang, NJIT
Capillary breakup in viscous fluids: surface-tension driven flow and
the effect of surfactant or electric fields |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Nov. 1 (special time: 11:30am-12:30pm) |
Daniel Attinger, Columbia University
Multiscale Engineering of solid-liquid interface |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Nov. 8 |
Taehun Lee, CCNY/Levich
Unstructured Lattice Boltzmann Method for Single- and Two-phase Flows |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Nov. 15 |
Raquel Perez-Castillejos, NJIT
Magnetic fluids and microfluidics: A powerful combination |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Nov. 22 |
APS/DFD Meeting
Nov. 29 |
Javier Diez, UNCPBA, Tandil, Argentina
A liquid rivulet placed across on an inclined plane: Its stability |
Lou Kondic |
Dec. 6 |
Michael Higley, NJIT
Evolution of an elastic capsule in two-dimensional Stokes flow |
Shahriar Afkhami |