Presentations – 5/1/2007

I. Aljarrah, Capacity of fading channels with channel side information

S. Bhatia, Multi-user diversity in slow fading channels


V. M. Chiriac, Ambiguity in Radar and Sonar

O. Coker, Optimum power allocation for parallel Gaussian channels with arbitrary input distribution

C. Comsa, Mutual Information and minimum mean square error in Gaussian channels

H. Guo, Underwater acoustic MIMO capacity

A. Kasaraneni, Capacity of Multi-antenna Guassian Channels


R. Machado, Information-theoretic Approaches for Sensor Selection and Placement in Sensor Networks for Target Localization and Tracking


G. Valdivia, Nonlinear Limits to the Information Capacity of Optical Fiber Communication


X. Wang, Image Information and Visual Quality