Welcome to

CSTR Journal Club


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The CSTR (Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research) Journal Club is a weekly meeting to discuss the latest research articles relevant to solar/terrestrial research. Individual presenter will give a high-level introduction to the basic idea and main results of a recent paper. We will discuss 4-6 papers each meeting. Each talk is allotted 12-15 minutes including Q&A.

The aim of the Journal Club

  • to bring together the various members of CSTR in informal discussion-based settings
  • to stay current with the latest solar/terrestrial research in and beyond one's scientific scope
  • to sharpen your scientific presentation skills that are essential for future career
  • General Guidelines for Journal Club

    Selecting an article

    Choose a well-written peer-reviewed article (astro-ph is fine) that interests you and the larger solar/terrestrial community. Make sure you can present the article timely. First time speakers are encouraged to discuss your selection with your adviser or other students who have previously presented.

    If you are interested to present at Journal Club, please send the article (and its link to an accessible site, such as NASA/ADS, astro-ph, and agupubs, etc) to cstr-jclub-group@njit.edu no later than Monday the week of your talk.


  • Start with introducing the topic in the big picture, e.g., what is the main ideas of the paper? what is the purpose of this study, and why it is important?
  • Summarize the methods that were used in the paper and describe the main results and their implications.
  • Highlight the strengths and weaknesses, e.g., could the study be further improved? did the authors achieve their research goals?
  • Feedback on presentations

    A video record will be provided to the speakers after their talks, aiming to help the speakers see their presentation from the their audience's perspective and improve for their future talks. Student speakers (and anyone else interested) are strongly encouraged to ask their advisors after Journal Club for comments.

    Scheduling a talk

    Please use the following Google Spreadsheet to sign up for a talk.

  • Click on the Sign up button below to open the sheet (One needs to log into his/her NJIT google account to access).
  • Pick a paper you wish to present, and put your name in the Presenter column.
  • Select a meeting date when you prefer to present in the Meeting column.
  • Sign up

    Alternatively, you can email your paper of interest to cstr-jclub-group@njit.edu.
