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Welcome to HowToiPhone!

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How to Connect with Wifi
Wifi Logo
How to call & add contacts
Call Logo
How to Text
Text Message Logo
How to take a photo & a Screenshot
Camera Logo
How to Download an app
App Store Logo
How to Email
Email Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

WI-FI is the way you are able to connect to the internet. In order to access the internet, you need to be connected to a WI-FI network. Think of it as a digital wire plugging you into the internet.

A contact is like speed dial. Its a a way to save peoples contact information (phone number and email) so that you don't need to retype it or memorize it inorder to call/text/email. (instead just use their name)

A text is a message sent from your phone, to someone elses. Its like sending a message through the mail, except its on your phone and instead of adresses, you use a phone number.

An app is like installing a new ability/activity for your phone. There are many different types of apps you can use such as Social Media, Entertainment, and Games.

An Email is a like sending a message/mail through the internet. Inorder to send or recieve emails, you need an adress, like with regular mail. However, your online adress is instead your email adress (Ex.