Spring 2024 - CS350 Intro Computer Systems - Syllabus

Lecture schedule - Topics may change according to class pace
See http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/3e/home.html for lecture notes.

1Ch.1 A Tour of Computer Systems1Tue, 1/16About the course
2Thu,1/18Intro to computers
2Ch.2 Representing and Manipulating Information3Tue,1/23Binary, octal, decimal, hexa numbers, integer representationHW1 on reality
4Thur,1/25Binary to integer to unsigned and back
35Tue,1/30Integer addition, integer multiplicationHW 2 on ints
6Thur,2/1Floating point representation and operationsn
4Ch.3 Machine-Level Representation of Programs - Linux assembly and machine languages7Tue,2/6Floating point continues. Data types, registers, HW 3 on floats
8Thur, 2/8C to assembly to machine code, Data movement instructions
59Tue,2/13Test 1, for an hour and 15 mins
10Thur,2/15Data movement instructions, address computation
611Tue,2/20Control: jump instructions, conditional branchesHW 4 on basic assembly
12Thur,2/22Loops and switch statements, push, pop
713Tue,2/27Procedures and recursionsHW 5 on control
14Thur,2/29Array allocation and access, pointers
815Tue,3/5Multi-dimension arrays, matrix, structs, HW 6 on procs, recurs
16Thur,3/7Stack overflow detection and prevention, varible stack
917Tue,3/19Floating point instructions using mmx...zmm registers, avx,sseHW 7 on stack overflow
9Ch.4 Processor Architecture18Thur,3/21Sequential computers - instruction set, add, mov
1019Tue,3/26Test 2, for an hour and 15 mins
20Thur,3/28Sequential computers - add, mov, load, store
1121Tue,4/2Sequential computers - load, store, push, pop, call, retHW 8 on instr exec
22Thur,4/4Pipelined computers - data and branch hazards
1223Tue,4/9Pipelined computers - solutions to the hazards
12Ch.6 Memory Hierarchy24Thur,4/11Main memory, cache memory, locality of referenceHW 9 on issues
1325Tue,4/16Cache memory - mapping, placement
26Th,4/18Cache memory - placement, replacement, memory mountain, matrix multiplcationHW 10 on cache
14Ch.9 Virtual Memory27Tu,4/23Paging, page tables, address translation, example 1
28Thu,4/25Address translation example 2, dynamic memory allocationHW 11 on virtual mem
15---FinalSee the registrar's page for the time and location