- Realtime predictive analytics for football, 2013-current.
- Co-founded venture capital-backed infrastructure software company for adaptive clustering of Linux and Windows-based PCs, Sunnyvale, California, 12/1999 - 8/2003.
- Invited Scientist, National Energy Reserach Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 7/14-8/21/97 (overlap with NAS visit), 1/7/97 - 1/24/97.
Designed, developed, and implemented the HARP dynamic spectral partitioner and the JOVE dynamic load balancing framework on Cray T3E.
- Invited Scientist, NSF CGP Fellow (1993, 1997-1999), MITI AIST Fellow, Japanese Information Science Foundation Fellow, Computer Architecture Section, Formely Electrotechnical Laboratory, Ministry of International Trade and Industry,
Tsukuba Science City, Japan, 1/99-7/99, 12/97-2/98, 5/96-7/96, 8/95-9/95, 5/93-8/93, 5/92-8/92. Currently known as National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Investigated the performance of multithreading on the multithreaded machines EM-4 and EM-X.
Designed, developed, implemented multithreaded algorithms for EM-4 and EM-X.
- Invited Scientist, NASA-University Joint-Venture Faculty Fellow 1994-1997, NAS Parallel Benchmark Group and Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA, 6/98-1/99, 5/31-8/31/97 (overlap with NERSC visit), 12/96-1/97, 7/96-8/96, 12/95-1/96, 6/95-8/95, 12/94-1/95, 5/94-8/94.
Designed, developed, implemented the HARP dynamic spectral partitioner and the JOVE dynamic load balancing framework on IBM SP2.
(Report on the work appears in NAS newsletter vol.2 no.7, Supercomputing'94 special edition, November 1994.)
- Lecturer, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1/93-5/93
- Lecturer, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, 1/92-5/92
- Research Assistant, Departments of EE and CS, USC, Los Angeles, CA 9/88-8/91
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, USC, Los Angeles, CA, 9/87-8/88
- Member of the Technical Staff, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, Spring 1987
- Software Programmer, Western Computer Systems, Los Angeles, CA, Summer 1986
- Microcode Programmer, IBM, Tucson, Arizona, Summer 1985
Service Activities
- Session chair, the 12th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, Melbourne, Australia, July 1998.
- Organizer and session chair, Minisymposium on dynamic load balancing and graph partitioning, Irregular'98, Berkeley, California, August 1998.
- Publicity chair and program committee, ACM/IEEE Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Paris, France 1998.
- Lead Speaker (with Horst Simon and Rupak Biswas), Tutorial on Dynamic Load Balancing for Computational Science and Engineering, Supercomputing 97, San Jose, CA, November 1997 (tutorial accepted but canceled due to a scheduling conflict).
- Lead Guest Editor (with Horst Simon and Rupak Biswas), A special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing on Dynamic Load Balancing for Computational Science and Engineering.
- Panelist, NSF-Japan Program Advisory Panel, January 13, 1997.
- Program committee, ACM/IEEE Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, San Francisco, October 1997.
- Panelist, NSF-Japan Summer Institute Advisory Panel, January 25-26, 1996.
- Panelist, NSF International division, NSF-Japan program, January 23-24, 1995.
- Publicity chair, ACM/IEEE Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Cyprus, June 1995.
Honors and Awards
- Robert W. Van Houten Award for Teaching Excellence by the NJIT Alumni Association (2018) (given to one person each year)
- NASA Education Associate Pioneer (1998)
- Recognized by U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Thomas Foley, former House Speaker, Tokyo, Japan (1999)
- NASA University Joint Venture Faculty Fellow (1994-1997)
- NSF Center for Global Partnership Fellow (1993, 1997-1999)
Selected Presentations
- Fine-Grain Multithreading for Tolerating Communication Latency, NAS Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, August 21, 1997.
- Fine-Grain Multithreading with the EM-X Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor, NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, January 15, 1997.
- Dynamic load balancing for computational science and engineering problems, Fujitsu Parallel Computing Laboratory, Kawasaki, Japan, September 6, 1995.
- "Multithreading with the EM-4 Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor," NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, May 26, 1994.