Instructions how to log in to SSH

In order to secure the NJIT network we are encouraging users to start using encrypted protocols such as "ssh" to transfer files between webserver and their machines. Older programs such as "telnet" and "ftp" transmit all information as plain text, which represents a security risk since it is very easy for a would-be intruder to capture passwords and other sensitive information.

Below are short instructions how to use SSH.

1. Install SSH from

2. Click on "Start" - "Programs" - "SSH". Window will open (see below). Click on "Quick Connect".

SSH Window

                                                                        Figure1: SSH window


3. Type in the "Host Name:" In the "User Name:"type your UCID. Click "Connect".

Connect to Remote Host Dialog Box

                        Figure2: SSH connect dialog box


4. Type your UCID password.

Enter Password Dialog Box

                Figure3: SSH password dialog box


5. You are connected to your AFS account. Now click on "New File Transfer Window" to switch to file transfer view.

SSH Window

                                                                        Figure4: SSH Window


6. Now you can move files from your computer to your AFS server.

SSH File Transfer Window

                                                    Figure5: SSH New File Transfer Window


Made April 4 2008
by Jolanta Soltis