School of Management

Fall 1998     MGMT 216-001     

Dr. C. Sylla
Office: 201-596-5691
4012 Central Ave. Bldg.


Course Title: Business Statistics


Text Book: Statistics for Managers: using Microsoft Excel 1997, by David M. Levine, Mark L. Berenson & David Stephan Prentice Hall

Class Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM at University Hall, Room 106

Course Objective: This course provides an introduction to business data analysis for application in management decision-making processes when uncertainty prevails. Methods of collection of business and economic data including their presentation and analysis procedures using computer applications will be discussed. Theoretical concepts will be given priority at all times, and will be illustrated with Excel (or other) applications whenever possible. However for homework and project assignments, students may also choose to use other appropriate computer application packages for statistics.

Course Outline/ Class Schedule:

The following topics will be covered during tentative weeks listed below. Please read all sections unless otherwise indicated below.

Weeks Topics

1 & 2 Introduction to Probability & Statistics Basic Definitions. Data Collection & Intro. to Excel. Presenting Data in Tables and Charts (Chaps. 1 & 2)

3 Summarizing & Describing Numerical Data (Chap. 3)

4 &5 Basic Probability Laws (Chap. 4)
Introduction to Discrete Probability Distributions (Chap. 4)

6 & 7 The Normal Distribution (Chap. 5)
Sampling and other related distributions to the Normal Distribution (Chap. 5)

8 Introduction to Estimation (Chap. 6)

9 Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing (Chap. 7)

10 Two-Sample and c-Sample Tests with Numerical Data (Chap. 8)

Sections: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, & 8.6 only

11 Two-Sample and c-Sample Tests with Categorical Data (Chap. 9)

12 An Overview of Quality Control Applications in Quality & Productivity Management (Chap. 10)

13 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation (Chap. 11)

14 Introduction to Forecasting (Chap. 13)

15 Final Exam

Evaluation Scheme:

Homework 15%

Quiz # 1 15%

Quiz # 2 15%

Quiz # 3 15%

Class Project 20%

Final Exam 20%

Numerical grades and letter equivalents:

Course Grade

X > 90     A

89 X 85   B+

81 X 84 B

75 X 80 C+

70 X 74 C

65 X 69 D

Otherwise F

Homework will be assigned weekly but collected randomly for grading. Material to be covered in the quizzes will be specified at appropriate date before the tests. Class project will include a comprehensive data analysis using Microsoft Excel (or other appropriate computerized data analysis tools).

Examination dates for tests and the project are scheduled as followed.

Quiz # 1 September 21 for 1 and ½ hours

Quiz # 2 October 19 for 1 and ½ hours

Quiz # 3 November 19 for 1 and ½ hours

Final follows Final Exam Schedule

Class Projects are due on December 7th, 1997.


Hope you will enjoy Business Statistics !



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