School of Industrial Management

Fall 2000

MIS 648 All sections Decision Support Systems Instructor: Dr. C. Sylla

Phone: 596-5691


Office: 4012 Central Ave. Bldg.

Office hours: by appointment


Lecture Notes/Project Notes - Click below and download:

    1. What is a DSS?
    2. What is EIS & ESS?
    3. Chapter 1
    4. Chapter 2
    5. Chapter 3
    6. Chapter 4
    7. Chapter 5


Presentations of Sample Paper discussed


Material for Group Projects:






Useful Sites for Modeling & Problem Solving Tools:

1. Operations Research Laboratory

2. Linear Programming


Course Description, Outline and Group Assignments:

This course focuses on the use of computer-based systems to assist managers by supporting their decisions making processes. The design, implementation and use of such systems are the fastest growing areas within information systems today. The perspective taken in the course is one of modeling and design: both effective modeling and design require and enhance problem solving and decision making process. Topics covered in the course will primarily concern the capabilities, structures and uses of decision support systems (DSS) to assist managers in making decisions. However, the emphasis will be placed on Management Science related applications and issues concerning the design and implementation of a DSS. We will seriously review many concepts in problems solving, models building and decision making needed for the task. Several papers will be presented on important issues dealing with decision analysis and problem solving, modeling, information models and building supporting databases for the DSS.

The course objective is to provide student with a working knowledge of managerial problem solving supported by computers. The course will build up on your knowledge skills from the previous introductory courses in Management Science and MIS for managers.

Course Procedures:

Classes will be devoted to discussions of the assigned reading materials in order to learn the concepts and tools relevant for designing, building and using DSS. Every student is expected to be involved in a DSS development project throughout the term. The objective is to integrate the concepts and tools learned in class to the development of your DSS projects. The experience gained during the project development will also be discussed during the class presentations.

Some programming skills may be necessary; thus I suggest that you should try to develop some skills in 4GL (such as IFPS, Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, Access, FoxPro, etc.), math programming packages or any other language appropriate for developing a DSS. This will be necessary depending on your selected projects. Your group project reports and other group assignments are due at the end of the class. It is also highly advised to think of developing and using Internet base software tools for your DSS projects.

Report Format:

All reports should be typed on one side of the sheet, double-spaced. The front page of your report should include title, date and student name. Charts, forms, and all other references should be appended at the end of the report. All assignments are due in class on the date indicated. The promptness counts toward your final grade. Note again that you are required to utilize the tools and techniques discussed in class and in the reading material (i.e., handouts). Hence, your reports and presentations should reflect this requirement.

Tentative Grading Scheme:

The course grade will be derived from the following requirements:

Mid Term Exam 40%

Paper Report & Presentation 20%

Subtotal 60%

Group Project & Presentation 40%

Total 100%

Please note that NJIT recommended grading scheme is as follows:

A for Superior performance (i.e., 90% or higher)

B+ for excellent performance (i.e., 86 to 90%)

B for very good performance (i.e., 80 to 85%)

C+ Minimum (75 to 80%)

F Otherwise

(Note that the F grade is a clear possibility if you don't meet the minimum requirements.)

The Mid Term Exam is scheduled for Saturday 11/4 or Tuesday 11/7. All reports and presentations are due on the last day of classes.

Course Materials:

The primary texts and other reading materials for the course are:

    1. Decision Support Systems & Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban & Jay E. Aronson,

Prentice Hall, 1998 (5th Edition). Book 1.

    1. Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approach to Decision Making

A book and one copy of each review article are available on reserve at NJIT library.

5. Software Tools: LINDO, MANAGEMENT SCIENTIST, Excel, EXPERT CHOICE, Access, etc. Available on reserve at NJIT library.

In addition, there is a recommended set of readings, drawn from the current literature, which will be used throughout the term.

Weekly Tentative Course Outline and Reading Assignments

(Unless otherwise indicated, all chapters are from book 1.)

(Minor scheduling arrangements will be made as needed.)

1. Overview of Decision Making. Case of Dear Aunt Sarah

Humans & the Decision Making Process, Systems and Models

Reading: The Case of Dear Aunt Sarah (from Handout)

What is a DSS? An Overview

Classifications of DSS. Text - Chapters 1 and 3.

Discussion of Group Projects & other Course Requirements

2. Overviews of EIS, ESS, and ES?

Reading: Text - Chapters 11 & 12.

3. Modeling, Analysis and Decision Making

Reading: Text – Chapters 2 & 5. Overview of DSS Generators (Review article)

4. Overview of Management Science (MS) and MS Models

(Linear Programming and extensions, Sensitivity Analysis,

Computer solutions and interpretation.)

Reading: Chapter 5. Also chapters 1-4 from book 2, and handout.

  1. Overview of Management Science (MS) and MS Models (Continued)

Linear Programming and extensions, Heuristic Programming

Sensitivity Analysis, Computer solutions and interpretations.

Text -Chapter 5. Library Supplement: Chapters 2 – 6.

6. Overview of Multi-criteria Decision Making Models (Continued)

Introduction to Goal Linear Programming

Text -Chapter 5. Library Supplement: Chapter 15.

Progress reports of review papers & group projects

7. Introduction to Multi-criteria Decision Making Models (Continued)

Overview of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Expert Choice Software

Models for integrating AHP with Goal Programming

Library Supplement: Chapters 15

  1. Multi-criteria Decision Making Models (Continued)

Research in Multi-criteria decision making: Models and Applications in DSS.

Library Supplement: Chapters 15 and Review Articles.

9. Overview of Simulation Modeling and its DSS applications.

(A case of a Representational Model)

Library Supplement: Chapters 13 and Review Articles.

10. Overview of Decision Analysis and Decision Trees. DSS applications.

Overview of the Tree age Software.

Library Supplement: Chapters 14 and Review Articles.

11. Mid Term Exam. (Saturday 11/4 or Tuesday 11/7)

Building and Implementing Decision Support Systems

An Overview of Data Management and User Interface.

Readings: Text Chapters 4, 7 and 8.

12. Building and Implementing Decision Support Systems (Continued)

Overview of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Readings: Text Chapters 4, 7 and 8.

Mid Term progress papers and projects presentations

  1. Networked Decision Support: Collaboration & Enterprise Support Systems
  2. Group Decision Support Systems

    Tentative Guest Speaker

    Readings: Text Chapters 9 and 10.

    14. Survey of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

    Building ES – Process and Tools.

    Readings: Text, Chapters. 6, 12, 13 and 16.

    15. Project and Paper Presentations

    Closing Comments and Suggestions.

    Items Due: Term Project Report & Paper Assignments


    Tentative Project Guidelines

    Basically, this project must be built using MS and database concepts covered in this class and in MIS 620. Each project team (2-3 students) is to identify a real world situation where there is a need for a DSS, and go through with the design and development of a system to meet the need. Include the views, perspectives and needs of system owners, users, Analyst/designers and builders. Please include the design aspects of system model, data and database, interface and network (if applicable) in your DSS project report.

    The first step is to identify the project sponsor, a person who needs a DSS and will "commission" a team of students to build that system. The sponsor does not need to be the direct user of the DSS. In many cases, the eventual DSS user will be one of the members of the project team, and the sponsor will be his/her superior. The sponsor must understand the decision situation well enough to evaluate the DSS that is developed. Note that it is not mandatory to find a sponsor for your project.

    The project is divided into 3 parts, each providing a benchmark point for evaluation and feedback. It is important that each part be completed on schedule so that there is adequate time for feedback before the next part must be completed. Only the last 2 parts of the project will bear credit toward your grade. The first part, the proposal, is meant only to gain a sponsor's commitment and approval and to provide the opportunity for early feedback. The three parts you produce during this project are meant to explain and document your efforts; while a well-written report is expected, your attention should be focused on the system you are developing.

    Part 1: Proposal

    The proposal should provide the general background for your DSS project. The purpose of this proposal is to guarantee that you are focusing on an application (i.e., decision situation) that is interesting, educational, feasible, and has the support of a project sponsor.

    The proposal should address the following issues:

    1. General description of the decision situation, i.e., what is the decision circumstances in which the decision is made?

    2. Why is the decision "complex," i.e., why is it not completely structured? That is, Why do you need a DSS instead of some other systems?

    3. What is the expected contribution of a DSS in this situation. (i.e., How will the system improve the decision making process?)

    4. Where do you intend to implement the system? (i.e., on which computer system).

    You could submit me a draft copy of this part if you wish to receive my inputs. I will comment on it and return it to you as soon as possible for feedback.

    Part 2: The Role and the Environment of the DSS

    In this part, you are expected to conduct an initial analysis of the decision situation identified in your approved proposal, and identify the role impact of the DSS in this application.

    The purpose of this part is to allow you to exercise your systems analysis skills for DSS, and develop an appreciation for its applicability and value.

    In your report, please include the following:

    1. A description and analysis of the existing decision situation. What is the basis for this analysis (e.g., inter-views, observations, literature review, etc.)?

    2. A description of the relevant aspects of the proposed DSS's environment. Be sure to explain why these are the relevant aspects of the environment, and why other aspects are not relevant.

    3. A detailed account of the roles and functions of the proposed DSS in the decision situation. If there is more than one function, prioritize and give justifications.

    4. A detailed account of the expected contribution and impact of the DSS. Be specific about performance measurement (e.g., what to observe, and accompanying measurement methods.)

    5. A tentative choice of the method to be used for DSS design and a justification of your choice for that method.

    Part 3: The Design and Implementation Plan of the DSS

    In this part of the project, you are expected to outline the design of your proposed system, identify the resources you intend to use, and assess the impact of these choices on the DSS. In addition, you should assess the usefulness of your chosen design method, document the implementation of your proposed system, evaluate it, and identify the likely changes to be incorporated in your DSS.

    The purpose of this part is to allow you to exercise methods and approaches to DSS design, develop an appreciation for their applicability and value and to implement and document your project.

    In your report, please include the following:

    1. A functional description of your system, including a detailed outline of:

    a) The dialog: conversation structure and presentation formats

    b) The data: database, data model and data layouts, and

    c) The modeling components: the "formulae." That is your solution procedures.

    Explain how this design addressed the needs outlined in your Part 2.

    2. Comment on the arrangement of the components in your system. Justify any special features in it, and link it to your specific environment or task.

    3. Identify your resource, and relate them to the components and arrangement discussed earlier.

    4. Assess and change, if any, to the desired functionality or structure of your earlier system as a result of the specific resource availability, selection, or allocation.

    5. Give an assessment of the usefulness of the design approach you used for this project. Why did you choose this approach? Was it the right choice? In what ways did it help you design the system? In what ways did it not?

    6. Provide an outline on the steps that must be taken to implement the DSS; i.e., what must be done to successfully introduce the DSS into the decision-making situations it is designed to support?

    7. Discuss the documentation you are providing to the user (s) of your DSS; e.g., the user's manual. This is an important part of the total package you are delivering.

    8. Briefly describe a typical scenario of system use, this can be the framework for your demonstration of the system. You may find it useful to develop a "story" into which your DSS is integrated, and which may serve to highlight the usefulness of the system. Be sure to show how the DSS supports the decision.

    9. Comment on your experience with the system, both from the builder's perspective (i.e., your group interactions, and other dynamics) and the user's.

    10. Given your (and possibly other user's) experience with the system, identify the issues to be addressed in the development of the next version of your DSS. Try to relate them to the functional capabilities (i.e., dialog, model and data management subsystems).

    Please include your proposal and all parts in your final report to be handed out.

    Further, please include a complete listing of your system, a hard copy of IFPS (or any other) program you designed with all the necessary comments you believe are important.

    The project reports are due on the last day of classes. A working system (or something close to a prototype) is to be presented before the class during the last period.


    Suggested Project Titles:

    1. A DSS for College Program Selection (undergraduate program, or graduate program)
    2. A DSS for Car Purchase Decision
    3. A DSS for House Purchase Decision
    4. A DSS for Employee Selection Decision (for Hiring, Firing, or Promotion)
    5. A DSS for Plant Location Analysis
    6. A DSS for Locational Analyses for Emergency Facilities
    7. (This might be typically called a Geographic Information Systems (GIS).)

    8. A DSS for Selecting where to Retire
    9. A DSS for Selecting a Mate
    10. A DSS for New Product Decision
    11. A DSS for Project Contractors Evaluation and Selection
    12. A DSS for Health Plan Selection


Group Assignments, Projects and Exams


Title of paper Purpose (or Tasks Required)


Part 1


Reading Assignments to be prepared & presented by instructor for class discussions only.


  1. Dear Aunt SarahShort Case Analysis Discussions
  2. Computer-based DSS for University TuitionModel Building and Analysis Report
  3. & Fee Policy Analysis

  4. Simulation Case Problem: Machine RepairModel Building and Analysis Report

4. Beyond Spreadsheets: Tools for Building DSS Review and discussions

5. Just Modeling Through: A Rough Guide to Modeling Review and discussions

Group Assignments

Select one of the following papers and conduct research on the main Thesis. Write a paper which includes a summary review and critics of its main thesis. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of the paper. (Your group Paper length is 5-10 pages. Your presentation should include 5 –10 slides)


Paper Title


  1. Impact of EIS on Organization, Design, Intelligence, and Decision Making, by Dorothy E. Leidner and Joyce J. Elam, Organizational Science, Vol. 6, No.6, pp. 645 – 664, Nov. Dec. 1995.
  2. Yield Management at American Airlines, by Barry C. Smith, John F. Leimkuhler, and Ross M. Darrow, Interfaces Vol. 22, pp. 8 – 31, Nov. Dec. 1995.
  3. Strategic Assessment Model (SAM): A Multiple Criteria DSS for Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives, by Madjid Travana, and Snehamay banerjee, Decision Sciences, Vol. 26, No.1, pp. 119 – 143, 1995.
  4. Collaborative Computing: Groupware & Group DSS, by David C. Yen, et al., in the 1998 Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, pp. 592 – 594, 1998 (full text paper available from Instructor).
  5. A Decision Model for Selecting Mutually Exclusive Alternative Technologies, by Samia Siha, Computers and Ind. Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 459 – 475, 1993.
  6. Log-term Forest ecosystem Planning at Pacific Lumber, by Russell Fletcher et al., Interfaces Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 90 – 112, 1999.
  7. A Framework for the Classification of DSS Usage Across Organizations, by Frederic Adam et al., Decision Support Systems, Vol. 22, pp. 1-13, 1998.
  8. Computers that Criticize You: Stimulus-Based DSS, by Albert A. Angehrn, Interfaces, Vol. 23, No. 3,
  9. pp. 3 – 16, May-June 1993

  10. Visteon’s Sterling Plant uses Simulation-Based Decision Support in Training, Operations and Planning, by George Pfeil et al., Interfaces, Vol.30, No. 1, pp. 115 – 133, Jan - Feb. 2000.
  11. Decisional Guidance for Computer-Based Decision Support, by mark S. Silver, MIS Quarterly, pp. 105 – 121, 1991.

Part 2 - DSS Analysis and Development Group Project (with presentations)


  1. Your DSS Analysis and Development Project Report and Presentation

Due: Exams week

Part 3 – Selected Group papers (with written summary & Presentations)


2. Your group paper summary & critic Date: Exams Week 




Lecture Notes/Project Notes - Click below:

    1. What is a DSS?
    2. Chapter 1
    3. Chapter 2
    4. Chapter 5