School of Industrial Management
MGMT 375-001 Spring 2001 (Updated) |
Dr. C. Sylla 4012 Central Av. Bldg., Phone (201) 596 - 5691 Office hours: by appointments only Email: Homepage: |
Course Title: Management Science
Text Book: An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approach to Decision Making, by Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 9th Edition, West Publishing Co, 2000.
A supplemental Textbook, handout notes and project materials are available on reserve at the NJIT Van Houten Library. Another useful source is a book entitled: Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, Fifth Ed., by F. Hillier, M. Hillier and G. Lieberman, 2000.
Tentative Course Outline
Class Schedule: The following topics will be covered at tentative weekly sessions shown below.
Session Topics
1 | Intro. to Mgt. Science. Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making. Intro. to Linear Programming (L. P.). Graphical Method. Chap 1, Chap. 2. |
2 | Formulating linear Programming Problems. Intro. to the Management Scientist and computer solutions. Chap. 3 and handout.
3 | Linear Programming Applications and Extensions of the Simplex Method. Data Envelopment Analysis, Chaps. 4 and 5.
4 | L. P. Sensitivity Analysis, Duality and Computer Solutions. Chap. 6 Discussions of Class Projects. (Tentatively for February 8, 2001) |
5 | L. P. Sensitivity Analysis, Duality and Computer Solutions. (Continued) Chap. 6. |
6 | introduction to Multi-criteria Decision Problems Goal Linear Programming and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Chap. 15
7 | Special L. P. Problems. The Transportation, Assignment, and Transshipment Problems. Sections 7.1 - 7.2 and Handouts. |
8 | Special Algorithms for the Transportation related problems. Section. 7.4. |
9 | Project Management with CPM/PERT. Chap. 10. Handout Notes. |
10 | Introduction to Decision Analysis. Chap. 14 and Handout.
11 | Introduction to Forecasting: Time Series and Linear Regression Models Chap 16
12 | Introduction to Computer Simulation. |
13 | Chap. 13. and Handout Notes. |
14 | Introduction to Inventory Models. Chap. 12 and Handout Notes Class Projects are due on this day (Thursday April 26/2001). |
15 | Final Exam Refer to the exam schedule. |
Note: This schedule will be revised from time to time to make appropriate adjustments with our progress.
Evaluation Scheme:
Homework 10%
2 Mid. term quizzes 40%
Class Project 25%
Final Exam 25%
Class participation is mandatory, that is, you cannot pass this class if you are absent more than 30% of the time regardless of your performance.
Numerical grades assigned have approximate letters equivalent as follows:
Average Score > 92: A (Superior performance)
86 - 91: B+ (Excellent performance)
80 - 85: B (Very good performance)
75 - 79: C+ (Good Performance)
70 - 74 C (Acceptable Performance)
60 - 69 D (Minimum Passing Performance)
Otherwise, F (Failed Performance)
Exam Schedule
1. Homework problems will be specified at appropriate times with due dates. Homework solutions will be discussed in class for your study. Please try to do the homework when assigned, and don't let yourself fall behind because the materials are complex, there is too much to cover in the course. Homework will be collected as assigned and graded.
2. The tentative dates for the mid -term quizzes and the final exam are as follow:
Quiz #1 Tuesday 2/20, 2001 for 1.5 hours
Quiz #2 Tuesday 4/3, 2001 for 1.5 hours
Final Exam Scheduled final exam date
3. The final Exam will be comprehensive and will include materials to be discussed appropriately in class.
4. The class Projects will be given on February 8, 2001, and will be due on the last day of classes ( April 26, 2001).