
High temperature superconductors are material which conduct electricity without resistance at much higher critical temperature than earlier superconductors- typically above the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Our goal was to learn more about these materials and finally make our own high temperature superconductor, YBa2Cu3O6+x (YBCO).

Some Critical Temperatures of Superconducting Materials

4.2 K 1911 Hg

23 K 1973 Nb3Ge

35 K 1986 LaBaCuO4

92 K 1986 YBa2Cu3O7

110 K 1987 NiCaSrCu2O9

125 K 1988 TISrBaCuO

133 K (up to 160 K 1993 HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8

under pressure)


There were many instruments used in our synthesis of a high temperature superconductor. Primarily a furnace was used because of the 950° C needed to heat the sample. We utilize the solid-state reaction method of the synthesis in which the starting materials were weighed, mixed thoroughly and ground with a mortar and pestle until our sample was a uniform gray color. The sample was then heated in an Al2O3 boat. The sample was ground and reheated several times. Finally, the sample was ground pressed into a pellet for testing.


Chemical Stoichiometry

We prepared approximately 30 grams of YBCO in our experiment. We had to determine the exact amount of each compound to use. The solid phase reaction is based on the following equation:

0.5Y2O3 + 2BaCO3 + 3CuO à YBa2Cu3O6+x + 2CO2

C,O are remove as gasses. They are not accounted for in balancing the equation. To produce 30 grams of YBCO we calculated the required amounts of starting materials (see left side of above equation)

Determination of the Molecular Weight of YBCO


1(88.9059) = 88.9059

2(137.33) = 274.66

3(63.546) = 190.638

7(15.9994) = 111.9958

666.1997 grams/mole

30g of YBCO = 0.0450315 moles of YBCO

666.1997 g/m

Determination of the Required Weight of Y2O3

2(88.9059) = 177.8118

3(15.9994) = 47.9982

225.81 grams/mole

0.0450315 moles of * 225.81 g/m = 5.084 grams


Determination of the Required Weight of BaCO3

1(137.33) = 137.33

1(12.011) = 12.011

3(15.9994) = 47.9982


2(0.0450315) * 197.3392 = 17.77296 grams

Determination of the Required Weight of CuO

1(63.546) = 63.546

1(15.9994) = 274.66


3(0.045.315) * 79.5454 = 10.813799 grams



During our project we used an x-ray diffractor and a raman spectrum to determine if our sample was pure or not. The x-ray diffractor showed our sample was very similar to a pure one (see chart of d-space and intensity measurements). The Raman Spectrum was not inconclusive. However, the Meissiner was positive.

Meissner Effect

We knew our sample was pure when we tested it for the Meissner effect. The Meissner Effect is the phnomenon where a superconductor expels all magnetic fields. A light powerful magnet will then float above the superconductor if the temperature of the superconductor is below its Critical temperature. Our sample was chilled using liquid nitrogen and as soon as it reached its critical temperature the magnet began to float above the superconductor pellet. This proved definitively that we had synthesized YBCO.


Application Current Emerging


Magnetic resonance image x

Biotechnical engineering x



Transistors x

Josephson Junction devices x

Circuitry connections x

Particle accelerators x

Sensors x


Separation x

Magnets x

Sensors and transducers x

Magnetic shielding x

Power Genaeration

Motors x

Generators x

Energy Storage x

Transmission x

Fusion x

Transformers and Inductors x


Magnetically levitated vehicles x

Marine propulsion x

A large number of possible applications exist. High temperature superconductors hold the promise to impact our everyday lives significantly.

Physical Properties

Bc(T) = Bc(0k) [ 1 – (T/Tc)^2]

Critical Magnetic field

Tc = (k/M)alpha

Critical temperature on an isotope :

k = constant, M = isotopic mass,

alpha = isotope-effect exponent


Discussion and Summary

After our work was completed we successfully made our high temperature superconductor. However, our Raman spectrum was inconclusive due possible to low signal or equipment failure. Our final test of the Meissner effect was the definitive test. During the test a small magnet levitaed over our superconductor.

Our experience during this summer here was enlightnen. We learned of a product which can save a lot of money and got the opportunity to make one first hand. Superconductors can be used in a wide variety of ways. We both had a wonderful time creating something so powerful and helpful to everyone.