Usman Roshan
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Advisor: Tandy Warnow
Office: GITC 4415 Mailing address: Department of Computer Science, NJIT, GITC
4100, University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102 Phone: 973-596-2872 (office) Fax: 973-596-5777 (fax) Best way to reach me: Research: I am looking for students with deep learning experience to work on AI projects.
Adversarial attack challenge on CIFAR10 pairwise binary classification - we invite you to perform
white box attacks on our sign activation 01 loss neural network models.
In order to succeed in this challenge you must produce adversaries
within L-infinity distance of 16/255 of the original image using any method of your choice. Your model must
have at least 80% mean clean accuracy on pairwise CIFAR10 classification (shown in Table 1 below).
Your adversaries must bring down the model accuracy to almost 0%, which is on-par accuracy with the same
model structure with relu activations and cross-entropy loss (shown in Figure 5.5 below).