Mungedabytes ripoffage calculation

Mungedabytes vs megabytes: Capacity

2,500 mungedabytes * 1,000,000 bytes/mungedabyte = 2,500,000,000 bytes

2,500,000,000 bytes ÷ 1,048,576 bytes/megabyte = 2,384 megabytes

2,500 advertised capacity - 2,384 actual capacity = 116 megabytes ripoff

116 megabytes ripoff * 1,048,576 bytes/megabyte = 121,634,816 bytes ripoff!

Mungedabytes vs megabytes: Price

Given that you paid $400.00 for a 2,500 mungedabytes disk drive...

$400 ÷ 2,500 mungedabytes = 0.16 per mungedabyte

...but you though you were buying a 2,500 megabyte drive and so were shortchanged 116 megabytes as shown above...

116 rippoffage * 0.16 per mungedabyte = $18.56 shortchanged

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