Statistics Seminar Series
Thursday, Apr. 11, 2013, 4:00 PM
Cullimore Lecture Hall 2
New Jersey Institute of Technology
On Procedures
Controlling the FDR for Testing Hierarchically
Ordered Hypotheses
Gavin Lynch
Department of Mathematical
New Jersey Institute of Technology
large-scale studies, such as those related to microarray and quantitative trait
loci, often involve testing multiple hierarchically ordered hypotheses. However, most existing false discovery
rate (FDR) controlling procedures do not exploit inherent hierarchical
structure among the tested hypotheses. In this talk, I present theoretical
developments toward controlling the FDR when testing the hierarchically ordered
hypotheses. First, I offer a general framework under which hierarchical testing
procedures can be developed. Then, I present hierarchical testing procedures which control the FDR
under various forms of dependence. Simulation studies show that these proposed
methods can be more powerful than alternative methods.