
Statistics Seminar Series

Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012, 4:00 PM
Cullimore, Room 611
New Jersey Institute of Technology



Bayesian General Linear Model for fMRI Data


Yu Ryan Yue


Baruch College, The City University of New York




The general linear model (GLM) (Worsley and Friston, 1995) has arguably become the dominant statistical method to analyze functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data. It models the time series of response as a linear combination of different signal components and tests whether activity in a brain region is systematically related to any input functions. In this work we propose a Bayesian GLM method, which has following advantages compared to the existing methods. First, the proposed method accounts for the spatial-temporal structure in fMRI data by using a class of sophisticated spatial priors to model baseline and amplitude parameters, and assuming autoregressive errors on the temporal domain. Our spatial priors feature adaptive smoothing, edge correction and easy computation. Second, we propose a method to estimate activation regions so that the probability for exceeding the level in the entire set is equal to some predefined value. It corrects posterior probability map (PPM) approach for multiple comparison. Third, we employ an approximate Bayesian inference tool to relieve the computational burden imposed by the huge size of fMRI data.