Managing Human Resources

An Overview











Obvious that organizational success is people dependent.

1.First and most important on it’s upper management level of the firm since it





Basic Determinants of Successful Human Resource Management

1.      Hiring/Staffing

2.      Effective Supervision

3.      Maintaining Skills

4.      Output-Productivity and Usefulness



How to do this well in an organizational context is a prime managerial concern

Impacting are:


Human resource management has and is being given much study.  Basic theory is derived from study of:


Research from these areas is relevant to understand individual behavior in an organizational setting.  Behavioral science is the field of study that utilizes the findings of these three social sciences to develop management practices that encourage worker interest and participation in meeting organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.


Some key generic research findings

A.) Maslow’s hierarchy of a person’s needs and underlying motivational drivers:


Hertzberg- 2 factors should be evident in work place




Motivators- Affect employee output


Particularly pertinent to remember when managing knowledgeable workers


B.) Group/Team Effectiveness


Important that team


C. Communication

            Takes place when the action desired or output by the communicator occurs.




Transmission is not communication


Technology is only a facilitor i.e. speed, reach, cost.  These feature enhance but do not ensure communication.

Some well-known obstacles

Behavioral Issues

Relevant for Project Management


A. Enhancing project member productivity

  1. Realize that people have different energy levels and there also vary during the day.  Make assignments accordingly.
  2. Consider overtime effect
  3. Avoid interruptions and unscheduled appointments
  4. Provide sufficient staff support
  5. Reduce bureaucratic requirements and unnecessary levels of review
  6.  Allow sufficient work space
  7. Avoiding “Just came to Mind” additional work assignments
  8. Contain meeting time and have agenda
  9. Avoid time wasting situations

·         Interruptive phone calls

·         Waiting for decisions

·         Rework

·         People not on time

·         Poor office administration

·         Too much time away

·         Poor communication

·         Have project manager in place who practices good time management

i.e.             Delegates

            Manages by exception

            Has setup priorities

            Has formal time plan and follows it

  1. Avoid stressful environment

·         Allow enough time

·         Avoid work overload

·         Have minimal conflict goals

·         Appropriate work assignment level for individuals



B.) Minimize Project Conflicts


Common source of conflicts



Difficult to resolve if there is not give and take.  Helpful is to have




C. Have periodic reviews of project team members

·         Let them know how they are doing

·         Provides opportunity to: