
Applied Math Colloquium

Friday, Oct 26, 2012, 11:30 AM
Cullimore Lecture Hall, Lecture Hall II
New Jersey Institute of Technology


Increasing the Utilities of Optical Biosensors

David A. Edwards


University of Delaware



The ubiquity of surface-volume reactions makes knowledge of their kinetics critical. To that end, several optical biosensors have appeared on the market to measure rate constants. In this talk, we focus on two extended applications of such biosensors. First, several new biosensor (chips) have appeared, which have multiple reacting zones in a single flow channel. A flow model is developed and solved for typical experimental parameters using perturbation methods. The effect of zone placement on depletion is quantified. Second, the biosensors have been considered limited to two-component reactions because they measure mass changes at the sensor surface. A model is presented which shows how certain multistep reactions can be analyzed easily with these devices.